With Animoto, you can create your very own free (free!) 30-second video and the results look, well, like you paid a pro. Here’s how
it works.
Related: Splice is a cool video editing app that we’re loving
Just upload photos, add a few text slides, choose music (or upload your own, but be mindful of copyright laws), and let Animoto take care of the rest. Then email it to Grandma, embed it, burn it to DVD — you name it, it’s all yours.
Try Animoto free for 14 days with their free trial, or get a membership for $60/year or $9/month, with pricier options for those of you who might be using this more frequently, or perhaps for your business.
There’s also an Animoto iPhone app, so you can actually create an animoto video on your iPhone while you’re waiting for soccer practice to end. Take all those kid photos your mother’s been pestering you to send her and make a video for the holidays or her next birthday.
She’ll appreciate it way more bunch of overpriced mums. Although you might want to get those too.