It’s Christmas week, and if you are like me, the ears could use a break from the same old Christmas songs that have been blasting across radio stations and throughout department store PA systems since the day after Halloween.
Let’s just say that if I hear Dominick the Donkey one more time, I may run screaming from the room.
So, I am thrilled to share with you some new holiday tunes from a few of our favorite kindie artists to download and add to your collection. Give your ears a rest from “hee haw” – you deserve it. -Christina
If you want to feel those warm Christmas fuzzies while you finish checking your list twice, then check out Lucky Diaz’s mellow, jingly Under The Tree. Not only will the words make you think of all those people you can’t wait to see at Christmas, it’ll make you think of kids who really need you too: All the proceeds raised from the download of this single will go to Pablove to help fight childhood cancer.
With their lovely guitar and perfectly-matched voices, Renee & Jeremy’s version of
Little Drummer Boy gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. Let your little ones parumpapumpum along with them.
I dig the super-funkalicious sounds of the Sugar Free Allstars, and their
Funky Christmas is like the coolest audio Christmas card you could hope to hear. This is a freebie too!

Covering the perfect little lullaby at this time of the year, the ever-popular Dan Zanes takes on
Silent Night with quiet beauty, accompanied by just his guitar and his voice. Watch it
here on You Tube. I only wish this could be downloaded to an MP3 since it really deserves to be heard again and again.
Tell us: what is your favorite kid-friendly song for the holidays?
my 6yo is currently obsessed with Jingle Bells! We have a fast version of it sung by Barry Manilow that’s his favorite, go figure. Does Toy Jackpot from Blackalicious count? That’s a big earworm for me right now.
Lucky Diaz’ “Under the Tree” is excellent, as is The Hipwaders album. But our fave kindie Christmas album is the free downloadable one from Todd McHatton. Check out “Santa Flying In Your Sleigh” – so so good!
There are plenty of ways to download youtube content and convert it to MP3. Google is your friend!