Best Buy Wish List is a sponsored series in which we feature the
things we’re coveting at Best Buy–and then give away gift cards so you can buy them yourself. Whee!
If you’re like us, then you’ve got a tablet or e-readers high on your holiday wish list (hear that, Santa?) but with so much new technology and so many options on the market these days, it’s pretty tough to decide which one is right for you. Well, other than all of them. Best Buy is the only place that actually carries all the e-readers out there. Yes, even the Kindle. Plus Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile got the cool tablets all of our readers seem to be coveting these days, all in one happy place.
At the top of our wish list:

The new Samsung Galaxy Tablet is super light and compact (hello 7 inch screen). That means we can pop it in our handbags and whip it out for emergency Angry Birds sessions. What? Like you don’t have those yourself?

We’re also intrigued with the new Nook color, which lets you surf the web, and makes books practically jump off the page. We’d be excited to download a few interactive kids books for our little ones–at least if they manage to tear it away from our tight grip on it.

Considering our handbags can be a dangerous gauntlet of sippy cups, snack packs, and crayons, you can bet we’re not leaving the store without a case for our precious gadgets. This stylish leather platform jacket for Nook by M-Edge comes in lots of colors, including this season’s hot purple.
What tablet and e-readers are on your holiday wish list? Whatever they are, head over to your local Best Buy Store
to get help from the blue shirts. And don’t forget about their free smart phone offer through the month of December!
EXTRA EXTRA COOL: WIN IT! Turn your wish list into a reality, mamas, because we’re giving away two $500 gift cards to Best Buy!
[details after the jump]
Congratulations to our two winners, Kizzi C. and Joanne S., for each winning $500 gift cards!
Also, follow Best Buy on Twitter and like the Best Buy Facebook fan page for plenty more great deals, events and updates.
The opinions here are solely that of Cool Mom Tech. Maybe a few other people.
That color nook looks absolutely fab!
sultansmom at gmail dot com
The Nook Color looks pretty cool :).
I have been fighting the Apple takeover. However, I secretly really want an iPad. I can’t help it.. I want an ipad! LoL
I’ve had my eye on the Kindle for awhile now 😀 I’d love to own one!
I would LOVE the Nook color with that case,I have a vast collection of books and this would help cut down on the clutter. And the 3g coverage makes it so easy to get a new book wherever you are.
Can I just say, I adore you guys and Best Buy for this? I really hope I win one of them.
I have a Kindle. One that I adore. One that my daughters are convinced is theirs. I’d probably consider buying them each their own so I could have mine back. Oh and pretty cases for all of them.
A girl can dream right?
Samsung Galaxy Tablet!! Oh the joy this would bring. Angry Birds, Flash support, and we can watch video when the boy wonder needs immediate pacification!
The Nook color is the e-reader I am pining for this holiday season. Hopefully if i do not get picked to win the gc..when my husband gets back to work (unemployed over the holidays is no fun) I will get one.
Love the Galaxy!! I would LOVE to own one! I volunteer for a children’s museum and this would REALLY come in handy!!!
I have the first-generation Nook, and totally love it.
I’ve had my eyes on the Kindle for a while now. Great giveaway!
The kindle is definitely on the top of my e reader list but the Nook in Color is intriguing for reading children’s books to my little girl.
I’m a fan of the Galaxy phone, so the Galaxy tablet would be awesome.
I’m still leaning towards an iPad, but have heard good things about the Nook.
I would love the Nook Color! I love the first nook but nowi have a daughter so I’d love the nook color to read books to her!
I’d love a Samsung Galaxy–it looks so fun!
The Nook Color, for sure!
The Galaxy tablet looks pretty sweet, I just saw it today, but the Nook is what I want.
I have to be honest. I have no idea what ereader would be good. The new Samsung or an iPad is probably what would make it home with me. I work at a library, and honestly, I like the feel of paper at my fingertips.
I’m a big Amazon nut so it’s the Kindle for me! thanks~~
I’d take any of the above, I’m really not too picky. Thanks for doing another GC, you guys ROCK!
Nook WiFi… Wouldn’t need to lug mu neybook around anymore!
I’m hoping Santa brings a Kindle this year
Wow a chance for more gifts? Thank you and the iPad wins my vote, but I will take any gift, beacuse I am not so good at the winning anything. Happy Holidays!
Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader in Black!
Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader – Black
Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader – Black
I have to say the NookColor e-reader looks pretty cool!
I’d love to get my hands on a Nook Color! I love the technology and it’s cute!!
I would love the Nookcolor e-reader. I like that it has wifi and you read books, magazines in color and download at such fast speed.
I would like an iPad
Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader – Black
the kindle!! or an ipad, of course
i agree with you all — the Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks pretty great!
I would go for the Kindle – though there’s no link because you buy it on Amazon and pick it up there.
The Galaxy tab is way cool but the Nook is a close second.
I would have to say the samsung galaxy tab! It is an amazing device. Coupled with sprints unlimited data plan It can’t be beat! Happy Holidays!
I have been going crazy trying to decide which tablet to go with! I’m now putting the Samsung galaxy as my top pick because its yours!
ipad…oooh baby!
Definitely an iPad
The Nook color looks amazing! My girls and I would have so much fun with that!
I’d spring for ANY tablet that might help me entertain my two year old! 🙂 An iPad would do the trick, or perhaps the Samsung one you mentioned!
The NOOKcolor looks really neat and different from everything else out on the market!
The Nook Color! Love it!
I’ve been wanting the Kindle forever and for some reason I just can’t force myself to break down and buy one.
Totally the NOOK color
the Barnes & Noble nookcolor ereader in black!
I love a Kindle
Would love, love, love, looooooooooooove to be able to purchase the Nook Color. 🙂
Ohhh, the Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks good to me!!!
definitely the ipad. No question.
Nook color looks awesome. Think of all the reading I could accomplish while hiding from my children in the bathroom!
I like the Nook.
Oooooo! The Sony Reader Pocket Edition of their Digital Reader (in pink, of course!) looks incredible! I totally need this for the plane ride next week. And hubby won’t steal it if it’s in pink! …or would he? 🙂
The new cold nook! My whole family would love it!
Samsung Galaxy! I’d use it everyday.
The Kindle 3rd Gen in graphite!! I’m also digging the M-edge cover. 🙂
I love this ereader because it is pink!
Oooh, that Nookcolor eReader is really great looking. Black is fine, but where are the fun colors? Just because it’s an expensive piece of technology doesn’t mean it can’t come in red!
The Nook Color looks the most awesome to me! Then I could get picture books for my kids too! Wow, Best Buy is hooking you guys up this year!!! Good for you! Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas!
Another vote for the Nook color!! thanks!
The Kindle had been tops on my list for a long time, but I think it just got the bump from the Nook color.
My favorite is the Sony eReader in silver!
Definitely an iPad. Thanks!
I would be thrilled to have any e-reader, but that Nook color sure does look good!
Samsung – Galaxy Tab 3G (Verizon Wireless)
Model: SCHI800BKV | SKU: 1411045
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I’m an Apple fan so I ‘gotta’ go with the IPad!!!
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks great!! I’d love to win.
Desperate for a Kindle. Pretty please!
I have had my eye on a Kindle for a long time.
Wouldn’t mind an ipad or a nook. I suppose with a gift card from Best Buy I could get both. 🙂
Would love an iPad so the kids would leave my Touch alone?
I think a Kindle is my pick.
Definitely the color nook!
Well the iPad is the one everyone wants but that galaxy looks sweet!!!
I’d go with the Nook color – books for the kids and drool-worthy cookbooks for me!
The galaxy tablet looks pretty awesome.
I think that the NOOKcolor eReader appeals to me & I’d also get the Industriell Easel Cover for Barnes & Noble NOOKcolor Digital Readers.
I think the Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks like the perfect fit for a busy mom (like ME!)… it can fit right in my purse, so I can use it when I am out and about (which is ALWAYS!)
Samsung Galaxy Tablet please!
Does an iPad count as an ereader? 😉
I think the Samsung Galaxy looks pretty cool. If it has an Android operating system, I would feel right at home! I would love to take a gander through Best Buy (solo mission without kiddos preferably!) And try it out!
I would love the next generation of the iPad. The current one is great, but Apple’s 2nd gens always really nail it.
iPad, it’s everything in one.
I am torn between the Nook and the Kindle. They both offer such great things. Leaning towards the Nook though
I’d like the ipad or nook color either one.
The ipad or nook color!
I would love the iPad!
I really want the Samsung Tablet
I’d be a happy girl if I found an iPad under my tree this year!
I refuse to be sucked into the apple iPad. pretty soon it’s going to have phone capabilities…then it’ll be like talking into an 80’s cordless phone again. *sigh* but i’m secretly envying the nook. I just want to be able to say “I’ve got a a nook” and snicker. ha! but no, really. I think a nook would be cool, even though I’d miss the feel of the paper pages in my hand
Love Apple stuff so I’m drooling over an iPad of course!
It’s a bit cliche, but I have to admit I’d like an iPad. Yes, yes, I know, I’m an Android man…but there is something nice about the iPad.
While the one review isn’t stellar, this would be an awesome option for me to replace my netbook and give me the benefits of having a tablet! I would LOVE this!!!
I’m a huge fan of the android platform and would LOVE the Samsung Galaxy. Smaller than the ipad with so many of the same features.
Nook color – white/white 🙂
Nook color!
I’m curious about these tablet things and how i would really use it! I’m sure i’d find a way!
Nook Color, definitely!
we’re Macs, so it would have to be an iPad. the Samsung looks like a doppelgänger, but it’s pricier, so ‘ll stick with what we know and love.
Thank you and here’s hoping!!!
The nook color looks awesome!
I’m leaning toward the Nook Color (assuming an iPad doesn’t find its way into my stocking)
I love my Kindle more than is rational, but I am also coveting an iPad and am intrigued by the Galaxy…. And the Nook color just looks so much cooler than the Kindle. Really, I just want one of each! ha!
I am soooooooooooo wanting the Nook Color!!! I’d take any e-reader (if hubby got one for me for Christmas already), but if I had MY choice, it would be that one for sure!!!! I’ve been talking about them for months, so I’ve got my fingers crossed.
I really am interested in the nook! Love the color on it!
*Grin* mommy would like the Kindle DX with a buttery rich leather cover. Be Blessed!
The Nook color would rock my world, have had my eye on it since it was released.
oh, and Ipad for sure!
I want a iTouch or an iPad. I love books though and could never replace print media.
I totally want an Ipad, they are so cool!
I’d like a nook, I have people I could trade books with if I had one.
I would love to have any of them! My kids always get all of the cool stuff!
I have serious iPad envy, but I’ll definitely settle for a Kindle!
It must be fate that I covet the iPad (starting at $499) and this gift card would *just* cover it.
Both the color Nook and the Galaxy tablet are tempting me. I’m torn.
I have to go with the ipad! Yay for all the great contests lately!
I’ve had my eye on the Nook color for awhile.
My kids would love to have an iPad but I would go for the Nook!
Oooh – I would LOVE that color nook
I really want the iPad. Like really really really bad. 🙂
Been wanting both the Kindle and the iPad so so bad!!!
The nook or an iPad would be great !
The color nook looks awesome. I’d love to get that so I can read the chicken soup books while on break from work!
I like the Sony Reader Pocket Edition Digital Reader in Pink!
I would really love the Barnes and Noble Nook color. lkvoyer at aol dot com
The Ipad, hands down. I’ve been wanting one since it was first conceptualized, and have been trying to win one since. The way it feels in your hands and scrolls aimlessly from page to page is just…priceless. Haven’t gotten lucky yet!
The nook color looks amazing. I’d settle for a black/white version but I know the girls would be wanting to read books as well and picture books would look amazing on the nook color.
I would love an Ipad!
I love Apple and would be sooo happy to own an iPad. Really…really…really!!
The Galaxy tablet looks great!
I am coveting an ipad. I really love the way kids books look on them as well as movies.
Nook color! Our local library is staring a system of checking out snooks, and the Nook is the only thing that supports it 🙂
I’m definitely in love with the ipad! A great e-reader and more!
I love the iPad but the Samsung Galaxy looks pretty sweet!
Holy moly they’re all great! Kindle or Nook would be delightful!
That samsung galaxy looks amazing! I think I want that one!
Both of those look good! I’d be happy for either. E-books are SO much lighter to carry around than regular books.
I would also love the enTourage – eDGe Digital Reader – Ruby Red, first because it’s my favorite color and second, because it’s cool! It can be found here:
I’d want an iPad, though the Nook looks pretty sweet too.
Ipad, Ipad, Ipad.
well, I’d have to trust you ladies–the samsung and the nook color look amazing. I would love one!!
Would love to have the Ipad as my e-reader! Love the ipod touch right now but would love to go BIGGER!!
I would love a kindle. I already have the kindle app on my phone.
I just love the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. It is light and compact and has a 7″ screen. Can’t get any better than this!
i want a nook SO BADLY. they look so awesome!
I have my eye on the Nook color.
The Nook color looks very cool!
the kindle makes a great Christmas present.
The Nook Color definitely! Its just awesome!
The Samsung Galaxy looks amazing! I wonder how much competition it’s giving the iPad? Thanks for the chance to win, Cool Mom Picks!
Got to go with the iPad. It has apps for all the eReaders AND can do so many other things. Every member of my family (dh, me & kids 11, 9 & 7) love, love, loves it!
I want a Kindle. I do like the look of that Galaxy Tablet though. P keeps arguing that I’m going want it because I semi-want/need flash for work. I’m skeptical still.
I can’t wait until I can get an iPad!
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love my iPad!
I like the Nook color.
I would love an ipad!
With a pretty quick look I’d probably choose the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Looks really neat. If I actually won, I’d probably drool over all the choices and do a lot of head scratching before I made up my mind.
I would love to look into the color nook or an ipad
I like Best Buy on Facebook. And I’ll like them even better if they draw my entry.
My husband is dying for an iPad! Would be great to win one for him…
pink sony pocket reader. YAY!
I’ve been wanting a Kindle forever, however the Nook has me intrigued.
The Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader is awesome! Color&cp=1&lp=1
And I love the COLOR feature too!
I’ve been wanting a Kindle.
iPad iPad iPAd, altho the nook color looks pretty nice too ; )
I would LOVE an iPad for my dad, who was recently diagnosed with parkinsons. He is an avid reader, brilliant mind really, but his vision is tricky. He needs really large print now and it is difficult, expensive and takes some effort to get books for him. It is my understanding that you can make the print on the tablets quite large.
ipad or that samsung looks pretty good too! i’m an android person, so samsung would probably be best. but hubby has iphone, so i bet he wants ipad!
I’d love to have the color Barnes and Noble Nook.
Would love a tablet!!!! Especially since I’m looking for a new phone/service with Verizon. Would be nice to have to read books that won’t be swiped out of my hands from the little ones! Check it out [ galaxy tablet]
been wanting an ipad or kindle (for diff reasons actually, kindle for books of course and ipad for apps and fun)
Let’s face it, EReaders are cool! I’d love to get my grubby lil paws on an ipad; simply for it’s versatility and function. Does an ugly sweater get your extra special attention – cuz I would totally wear one!
ipad, ipad, ipad, ipad,ipad.
There, I think I said it!
The iPad has been on hubby’s wishlist for a while now. He SO deserves it but it’s a little out of our budget. I would get him one if we won this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
The Nook Color does look awfully great! Mike.karr at
I love my Kindle and so do my kids! For that reason, they both have it on their Christmas lists this year!
Ipad please!!!!
The Ipad would be awesome to have!
Would love the Nook color
I’d go with a Nook color over a Kindle, specifically because it can display in color. If I wanted black and white, I’d pick up an actual newspaper!
Nook color looks awesome!
I Love the other tablet/e-readers but I really want the iPad PLEASE!
OK, I know this may seem a little odd to some folk, but honestly, my favorite one is the enTourage – eDGe Dual Book Reader 😀 It’s the one here:
Looks MIGHTY fine 😀
Please feel free to contact me at:
allrightyes at gmail dot com
I think the Galaxy is a very neat Android powered tablet, anyone would be lucky to have one! I also like the nook color. For those that want mainly a reader, it seems to be the way to go. But for me, the Blackberry Playbook is the winner in my book! The features include flash capabilities and true multi-tasking! What mom doesn’t need that!
Sign me up for the Nook in Color.
ky2here at msn dot com
I think the new Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks the most awesome. For sure on my Best Buy Wish List. Being compact and lightweight is a high selling point … Who wants to carry around a book all day?
I’m wishing for the Nook Color!
I want an iPad!
The NOOKcolor eReader ( for sure. We would have to have something that makes picture books look good. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’d love to have Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader in Black from Best Buy (Model: BNRV200/SKU: 1517163)!
Thanks for the chance to WIN!
Good Luck and Happy Holidays to All!
I like the Nook color.
I would really like to get a Kindle
the nook the nook!
The Nook Color looks fab, my son and I would really enjoy it!
I’m loving the Nook Color. I keep talking myself out of buying one so I would love to win this gift card to finally follow through on my thought.
I love the Nook color, but I also am curious about the iPad.
The ipad is the coolest.
We’ve been eyeing an iPad!
The Nook Color, definitely!
The Apple IPad looks like a perfect fit in my hands 😉
I would love an ipad! I never win anything so I’ll never win this, but wouldn’t it be a Christmas miracle if I did.
I would love the Color Nook.
Would love to have a Kindle but that Nook Color looks amazing! Any gift is a blessing.
Kindle is pretty awesome because I love Amazon but I’d get the Nook just to get that sweet purple cover for it!
i like the color nook
This Nook that BestBuy carries looks fantastic to me!
Thank you ?
An IPad of course…wanting one badly!
The Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader – Black
Model: BNRV200 | SKU: 1517163
as seen here:
I would really love! Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway and Happy Holidays.
I’ve been wanting an ipad for ages! This would make my christmas!
Galaxy tablet looks awesome!
Ooh, I’m torn between the Nook color for my kids & the iPad for me!
I love the Nook Color.Thanks for the contest:)
I love the Nook color. It would be perfect for magazines and picture books.
The nook color looks awesome
The Kindle! I’m ready to get on thebandwagon – I’ve heard nothing but great things!
Oh my oh my oh my.
I desperately want a Kindle. I also have been drooling over tablets. I think I want a Kindle or that 7″ Galaxy thingy. Oohhhhhhhhh. Then I don’t have to share my computer time with my husband anymore. YAY!
Merry Christmas everyone!
I am dying for the new nook color, santa please?
I would LOVE to have an iPad!! I have seen so many apps that would be great to use with my kids, especially ones for special needs and low vision!!!
I would love either an IPad or a NookColor. I’m unemployed, so anything beyond buying an actual book is beyond our means. This would be such an awesome Christmas gift!!
It’s all about the ipad for me…please, santa, please 🙂
I would gladly accept any of them, but if money were no object I’d pick the IPad. 🙂
I would love love love to own this:
I have sprint and if I had the extra money right now I would totally buy myself one for x-max 🙂
Ooh, I’d love the Barnes & Noble 3G+Wi-Fi NOOK E-Reader, Executive Jacket and Book Light Package!
I would love the NOOKcolor E-Reader
um, any of them- all of them- i can only dream of owning one of these! I am still picking up $5 paperbacks. 🙁 yay for a chance to win one! ho ho ho!!
I love the Barnes & Noble Nook Color!
I love the iPad — and the Galaxy Tab! I’d take either one! 🙂
Oh new digital camera, how I need thee belt me count the ways!
I’d love to be able to get an iPad for my wife. She loves to read.
I’ve heard rave reviews from all my friends about the Kindle. I’d love to have one! Thank you for the contest opportunity!
I am coveting the ipad, but now I want to check out the galaxy too.
I love the Kindle! Great giveaway Cool Moms!
i want most of all the ipad tablet…but i think the color nook would be great too.
I am pretty sure I am getting a Kindle for Christmas and am excited about that, but if money were no object, I would get an iPad.
Already have a Kindle and use it all the time. But, I would love, love, love an iPad!
I think I’d have to go with the Kindle – it’s been tried and tested, and I’m a big fan of Amazon’s customer service and their selection of books and magazines. I’ll hold off with the iPad until the 2nd or 3rd generation, I think, and satisfy my mobile reading needs with the Kindle for now. Hope my family and friends are reading in case they need any last-minute gift ideas. 🙂
An iPad!
Nook color – and I love that purple jacket!
I’d love an iPad. Or maybe a Nook Color to give as a gift. Hard to decide, but thanks again for letting me dream. I’m enjoying your blog.
I want a Nook Color.
I have an ereader, but would love the Samsung Tab– I’ve played with it a bit and it is awesome!!!
I would LOVE to win one of these!!!
Apple IPad !
i would love either one. i’m an avid reader but its really hard to lug around books w/2 small kids. Also, LOVIN’ the purple.
The Kindle is awesome, but I like the iPad with the Kindle app even better.
I have a Kindle and really want an iPad now but the Samsung Galaxy is something I’d like to see in person. Could be an interesting sub – comparable price but smaller screen.
idream, iwould, ilove an IPAD!
I’m not letting my family get me anything for Christmas, but an e-reader is one thing I truly wouldn’t mind for myself (and my kids – who am I kidding?)! My lucky and deserving mother received a Nook Color at our early Christmas on Sunday, and it looked amazing. I always thought I’d be a die-hard lover of hard-copy books, but life as a mommy of a toddler and infant has me thinking otherwise!
LOVE Cool Mom Picks and Cool Mom Tech. You may or may not realize it, but the information you share has made it easier for me to be the best mom I can be. Thank you & Merry Christmas (if you’re still reading!).
The Nook color is definitely on my Christmas list, but I think my daughter would love the Galaxy tablet. And it might mean I’d get my phone back.
I currently have an Amazon Kindle. I would love an iPad but that Galaxy Pad looks pretty nice also. If I can pull one of those out and play Angry Birds on the big screen instead of my cell phone. OH MAN…that would be super cool. Love to have either one of them.
I have been boycotting the Apple products, but I would love to have an iPad.
I’ve been eyeing the Kindle!
we have a nook and its great but as a mac computer house we’re dreaming of an iPad next.
I’m giving my wife an iPad for the holidays and would love one for myself too!
how do we choose? they all look awesome! I would take any of them, but i have a super special crush on the nook color.
I am dreaming of an ipad.
Nook color – awesome!!
An iPad is sooo on my wish list!
The Nook Color is the e-reader that I’m most interested in.
I’d love a Nook…
I think I’d have to say I’d love the ipad. However, I might have to be more frugal and buy a nook color (and regift my existing nook to my mom). 😀
Oooh…first off, Thank u guys so much for offering these sweet giveaways! You definitely rock:) ok now..I think my top choice has got to be the galaxy!
I would love to have a Nook Color!! I have a sony ereader that is great but the color would make it perfect to download a few children’s books.
The Nook Color, of course! I’ve heard great things about it.
I am dying for an iPad, but now that I saw the Samsung Galaxy and want one of those!!
An iPad would be ideal because it’s an eReader plus I can get educational gun apps for my kids. I can kill 2 birds with one stone if I got one of these!!! 🙂
I am all for the Galaxy Tablet – would be awesome to have at hand all day long!!
Kindle is the best buy
I’ve always wanted a Kindle, but I think I might have to look at the Tab! And I’m so glad the Kindle is at Best Buy in case I do decide to buy it!
I have been looking at the The Sharper Image – Literati Digital Reader
itsjustme62613 at
This Sony ereader looks great:
Ooh – what I wouldn’t do for an Ipad!
I really liked the original Nook, so I’d LOVE the color NooK!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to have one of the new Samsung Galaxy tablets! I have a Sony reader and while I enjoy using it, it doesn’t offer the features or flexibility of the Galaxy tab. Plus, it just looks COOL.
The iPad all the way!
The Nook color
I’ve always had my eye on an Amazon Kindle
At the top of my wish list is an ipad.;+-+iPad%26%23153;+with+Wi-Fi+%2B+3G+-+64GB/9811319.p?id=1218178657229&skuId=9811319
I would love to give the Nook color a try!
I’d like the nook; it’s great you can get on the internet with it.
I would get this one – it looks like it would be fun to have and I would be able to get a lot more reading in!:
I would buy a DVD player that I can stream video on and that doesn’t skip…the old one that I have is horrible!
I’m definitely thinking that the iPad looks AWESOME!!
Sorry, it’s still the iPad for me!!!
I have been wanting to check out the Nook in color.
I would love an ipad!
I would love an iPad and the Nook Color looks very cool.
I like the Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
I think I would have to go with iPad, not only can I read on that, but so many other things too
I’ve looked around, and I actually bought an iPad at Best Buy because I loved the look of the reader it uses where the pages actually “flip”. And there is so much else you can do with it.
We’re a Mac household, so I’ve been drooling over the iPad for forever. However, the Galaxy ads have me intrigued- will have to o to Best Buy and check it out!
The ipad tops my list!
I either the ipad or the Samsung Tabliet both look great.
I was interested in the Kindle and then I took a look at the nifty NOOKcolor and I like that SOOOO much more. Santa is not bringing me a gift for Christmas so it would be GREATLY appreciated.
I am going to have to say an ipad, since I am a mac user, but I wouldn’t turn down the Samsung, lol. I am anti e-reader though. I love the feel and smell of a real book!
Would LOVE the Nook color to use with my kids!!
I vote for iPad!
Most certainly an iPad as I still like to read a book where I can smell the pages!
Oh, I’d love an iPad. Not only can I read to my hearts content, but I can do all those other things too!
The ipad but I really like all of them
Definitely have my eye on the iPad, although I haven’t got any other Apple merch (nope, not even an iPod!) so maybe the Galaxy would be a better fit for me. Pick me!
Definitely have my eye on the iPad, although I haven’t got any other Apple merch (nope, not even an iPod!) so maybe the Galaxy would be a better fit for me. Pick me!
I would really love an iPad –
a KINDLE would blow my hair back!!!
I want a Nook.
The entourage ruby red. Ahhhhhh! nice!!!!!!!!!!!
Take a look for yourselves!!!!!
yeah, fo sho the ipad.
I have always wanted a Nook, and considering all the cell phones and laptops I have scratched up, I would definitely need a case for it.
Since my husband is already getting me the Kindle, I would love to have an iPad since I can use it for other things too.
I would love a Nook color, although I wouldn’t turn down an iPad!
I love to read and would love the Kindle.
oinkmoobaa (@) yahoo (.) com
I try the color nook! I think my kids woudl love the interactive books!
The VILIV – Netbook with Intel® Atom Processor – Pearl White looks particularly awesome to me. I want one!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I’d have to go with the Nook Color – I haven’t taken the leap into electronic books yet but that might just entice me!
I would get either an iPad or the Xbox/Kinect combo package.
My husband has been wanting a Kindle for a while now, so that’s definitely on our wishlist. That Samsung Galaxy looks *sweet*, but Sprint service is a turnoff for me. If I get DH a Kindle, can I justify a Nook for myself? with a pretty purple leather jacket??? 😉 I’ll go dream now…
My husband has been wanting a Kindle for a while now, so that’s definitely on our wishlist. That Samsung Galaxy looks *sweet*, but Sprint service is a turnoff for me. If I get DH a Kindle, can I justify a Nook for myself? with a pretty purple leather jacket??? 😉 I’ll go dream now…
I would love the iPad because I could also use it as a kindle, which I am coveting, too 🙂
I love my iPhone, but I’ve had my eye on the Kindle for awhile! What a beautiful day it would be to have my books at my fingertips ready for that rare moment of free time!
I would love a color nook for my husband.
The color nook looks great.
kport207 at gmail dot com
AS I was sitting on the stationary bike this morning with my big, bulky book, I was thinking a Kindle would be quite handy to have. (Maybe the big bulky thing wasn’t my book but I digress…)
I’d like the Nook with 3G and WiFi–I kind of like the white one, although I think a darker color would be a more practical choice!
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!
Of course, I would love to jump on the iPad bandwagon. It provides entertainment for the whole family! Dad can check stocks and financial info; Mom can download books, update the mommy blog and post photos to Facebook; and our twins will stay entertained when we’re out in public!
I want an iPad!
I would love to have the Samsung Galaxy Tablet! It has all the features I would love!
All the partners in my office have this & soooo jealous~~
well they have the $800+ one.
I would love an iPad or Galaxy Tab!
I would love the Nook Color
I like the 🙂
Well, since I spent this morning setting up the iPad we got my Mom for Christmas, I can’t help but say that I WANT AN IPAD. And I want it bad. 🙂
I like the iPad. I know that sounds like I’m on the bandwagon, but it just does so much.
jeremyjohnsonsr at gmail (dot) com
I love the kindle, partially because of its size, so sleek! and partially because I can share my books from my phone to my computer to the kindle, awesome
A nook or an ipad. I’m not sure which, but definitely one of the two. 🙂
I like the 3G plus WiFi nook.
I really want a Nook Color;jsessionid=FBE3C32DB403FD73D069762FEBCD57ED.bbolsp-app06-38?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_dynSessConf=-7845470516715656984&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=nook&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960
But would totally settle for an iPad. 😉
Loving that Nook color. Especially for my little boy who enjoys reading!
Nook Color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like that the nook is now in color but I still want the Ipad more. 🙂
i’d love the kindle from best buy!
I’d love to win that Samsung Galaxy Tablet… Am totally loving my new Samsung phone and am really impressed with their products!
The kindle looks awesome to me!!!!
wow, the Ipad is awesome! i would love to buy one so i can get all my textbooks for college on it!
the color nook looks awesome!
the ipad pls
Definitely the Apple iPad! I want one so bad! 🙂
Loving the nook for my little readers! Educational loving that!
I would love a color nook…way too cool looking!
mom2tictacs at gmail dot com
The new Nook in color looks great:
B&W was one of the reasons I wasn’t in love with my husband’s Kindle
Ooooh I want this. No, I need this.
I need a keyboard on mine, and that one has it!
I would love either the Samsung Galaxy or the the color nook, since I am a book addict.
I am thinking the HP – Pavilion TouchSmart Tablet would make my holi-DAY.
The Nook Color looks pretty cool!
Ipad of course!!
Galaxy tablet (or an iPad)
The gossip junkie in me would love the Nook Color for my magazines!!!
I am not getting a big gift in time for the holidays bc I can’t decide between a color nook and a galaxy tab. Maybe I will win one and you’ll make the decision for me!
Im not picky! I’ll take any! Nook, kindle, tag or the Ipad! But I wont lie, I love my Apple products!
I would love the Nook but I don’t want to share with the kids so maybe I would get two…one for me and one for them!
I think the Nook or that Samsung tablet looks pretty sweet!
Wow, such a hard decision! I would say the Nook Color, but really would prefer an iPad!
That Galaxy Tablet looks SWEET.
The color nook looks cool but I love my ipad which allows me to download books too!
The Samsung Galaxy looks pretty awesome!
I think that a color nook would be the best thing to find under the tree!!!!
I think they’re all fab in their own ways, but the iPad seems to take the cake for me.
I love the iPad!
I would love that Samsung Galaxy tablet. Here’s hoping I win! 🙂
I would really like an IPad!
I know it’s not original, but I really want a Kindle too!
Totally want an iPad so I can fight over it, I mean share it, with my husband and three year old!
I have my eye on this one
Another one? Yay, Coolmomtech!!!!
I had no idea BB carried all of them. The ColorNook for sure!
I would love to get an iPad for my husband! I know he really wants one.
The iPad for sure. Although… that Samsung tablet looks pretty gorgeous!!
ipad for us! we could use it for my sons speech therapy!
They both look awesome but that tablet is awesome! We are always behind in tech so either of those would be amazing to have
The Nook Color looks like so much fun!!!
can’t say I’d like anything more than an iPad, really would love to have the ereader plus all the additional bonuses!!
oh, the nook color would look totally fab under the tree!!! kids would love it too
happy holidays to all of you!
I have heard great things about the Kindle, and that Color Nook looks very cool- but I’m reeeally wanting an iPad!!
HHMMM, Nook Color or an iPad?? Too tough to choose! I’d be happy with either! Merry Christmas!
Nook Color, puh puh please! 🙂
The nook color looks sleek!
Why does Apple make all their products so darn good-looking?? Heck, the fact that they work well too is icing on the cake but yes– I’ve come to the conclusion that an iPad will probably totally rock (and give me more time *off* the computer so I can spend it with my kid!). Best Buy rocks I think too. yep, I believe they do if they’re offering another 2 chances to win. Whooho!! Now, how to narrow it down..:
I’m most familiar with the kindle.
I’m in lovewith the samsung because it’s small and user friendly. Plus it’s way better than my broken lap top right now.
The Nook Color looks awesome! I have a friend who has one and loves it!
The Kindle looks like the most awesome eReader to me – cant wait to check one out!
Would love the Nook Color!
Galaxy Tablet please, so I can play Angry Birds BIG, BIG, and BIGGER than on my iPhone!!! Thank you!
I got my gma the nook. We will see if I can teach her how to use it lol
Oooh, the Samsung tablet looks cool. I need something to access knitting patterns and recipes. Lugging my laptop around is getting tiresome.
a kindle would rock!
I would love a kindle, love to read and don’t get a chance to very often anymore!
love the samsung Galaxy tablet
I would love to have the Kindle. I’ve sat next to some on airplanes and just could not believe the quality!
I’ve always liked the Kindle, but the Samsung Galaxy looks interesting too. I think I’d have to go over to Best Buy and try them out before deciding…
The Nook Color is totally intriguing! I would love to check it out in person, thanks for the opportunity!
Hopefully, third times a charm. 😉 the color nook looks like it would be a perfect gift under my tree!
Samsung galaxy that tablet looks so cool!
I must admit I drool over the IPad. Want. Want. 🙂
Merry Christmas to me!! I SO want an iPad!
Definitely an iPad!
Amazing giveaway!
I’d love to get my hands on that Nook Color.
I love the Nook color. I want to get one for my dad for Xmas so the best buy gift cert would be really helpful! 🙂
the color Nook looks so awesome! would love to have that 🙂
I still think the ipad is the best reader/tablet.
Scott Martin
IPad– absolutely!
well, the ipad, just because it can do so much
My husband likes the Nook the best. I want one.
The Nook Color looks so cool! Would love to have one!
I really want this
HP – Pavilion TouchSmart Tablet / Intel® Core i3 Processor / 12.1″ Display / 4GB Memory / 500GB Hard Drive – Argento
That Galaxy tablet is pretty cool, but the apps on the Ipad! Oh my. Well,I have a droid phone, so,guess I could use an Apple based produce!
I think the nook is actually pretty cool!
iPad, iPad, iPad!!
Tough one! The Nook color looks very cool but I already use the Kindle App on my iPhone and have downloaded boat loads of books to that (mostly free though). Being able to read books to my son would be cool but going with the Kindle would be the path of least resistance! 🙂 In short, I have no idea what I want!
I like the Nook color. I’m pretty sure though that if I were to get one my wife would steal it from me, so I would need this card to buy another one. Thanks!
The Color Nook looks pretty awesome!
I want the Kindle!
I really love this one.
I would love to get an iPad!
I have to agree with you – the Samsung Galaxy Tablet seems to have it all going on!!
I have to jump on the IPad bandwagon for this one – but the first app I put on it would be the Kindle app! I can’t even imagine all the new stuff I could read to my kiddo, as well as all the useful tools it would have for me!
I have been looking at the Nook for awhile now. Looks like a perfect match for me.
THe Nook Color looks very cool!
The Samsung Galaxy tablet, of course!! It looks great!!! Much better than an iPad 🙂
The Samsung Galaxy seems to be the one I’d prefer.
iPad all the way!
I look Nook.
The Nook color seems super interesting…I saw an ad for it the other day and have been intrigued.
I think the Samsung Galaxy tablet looks terrific; I could use it in a million ways. Yes, please, I would like to have that.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get the the color nook with a cute carry case! (aka drool and spit up shield!)
I’d pick an IPad or Nook Color 🙂
Nook!!! 🙂
Dude! Nook color looks awesome.
Oh I really want an iPad!!
I LOVE my kindle and recommend for everyone.
Tough choice but I would have to go with the samsung. Love the size and clarity!
I’d love to get the Nook!
Samsung Galaxy Tablet, definitely!
I like the ipad the wifi model would be a good start.
I have wanted the Apple iPad 16 GB with Wi Fi!
prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com
My favorite ereader is the Pandigital Novel Digital book:
i want a gift card and a tablet sooo badly;) i just started my own avon business and i work from my phone!!! god let me win…..
I’m a sceptic of e-readers, but maybe that’s just because I can’t justify the expense. I would LOVE a Kindle or a Nook!
I would love to have an iPad.
I would love an iPad!!
love the color nook but would love an ipad 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway
I think the iPad would be great to have. It would be a fabulous gift for the whole family and can be used as an e-reader which would be a fun way to read with my boys. Great giveaway & Merry Christmas everyone!
Ooooh, the iPad looks so fun!
an ipad please. i like to do more than read books and zines! this one is amazing.
I would love the iPad!
I like the Kindle but what I really want is an Apple iPad
I <3 the IPad!
I think it would have to be an Ipad
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet I have so much in my purse already, lightweight sounds like a dream!
I would love to have an ipad! Everyone in my family, including my young children have taken over my laptop and desktop.
I’m a big Mac girl, so the iPad would be, awesome! (Although the Nook is not bad either)
iPad, iPad, iPad!!!
I shared on Facebook, joined Kirtsy and tweeted this
The nook color for sure. Having a couple kids books on hand would sure make waiting in line with a toddler easier.
As a previous comment stated, I’ve also been fighting jumping onto the Apple bandwagon, but an iPad is mighty tempting. The Samsung Galaxy tablet looks to be a more than satisfactory alternative–take-anywhere-web surfing? Goodbye, productivity!!!
I wouldn’t be able to pass up an iPad!
I love the color nook and shared on Kirtsy Thank you for this great giveaway Jake765 at aol dot com
The Nook Color, the ads running on tv for the Dr. Suess book have us very intrigued (read: lusty)as it is the 1 iphone and two macbooks don’t satisfy the techy appetites of our 3 girls.
I’m an HP fan so I’d love the HP – Pavilion TouchSmart Tablet / Intel® Core i3 Processor / 12.1″ Display / 4GB Memory / 500GB Hard Drive – Argento
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet looks awesome! It would be great for the home business!
Ok, gals. I fully admit that I covet the iPad. My kids have taken over my iPhone so I could really use something that’s just mine.
The Nook Color looks amazing!
I have been looking at the IPad’s this year and they look wonderful.
I would love the nook color! I bought my mom a Nook in September and would love to buy her the Nook color, then take the old nook off her hands lol.
my life consists of a lot of diapers right now. But I would love to try out the Galaxy. I am a Mac lover so best buy GC to get a iPad or a notebook so I could do my Social Media job while in bed or on the move would be so grand.
I would love the nook color! I bought my mom a Nook in September and would love to buy her the Nook color, then take the old nook off her hands lol.
my life consists of a lot of diapers right now. But I would love to try out the Galaxy. I am a Mac lover so best buy GC to get a iPad or a notebook so I could do my Social Media job while in bed or on the move would be so grand.
I would LOVE an iPad, and I think my kids would love it, too!
Nook color would be fun for reading with my girls!
I’d love the galaxy tab!!
Merry Xmas! Thanks!
Janna Johnson
I am a librarian who has strongly resisted the ereaders until a tried a friend’s last week. WOWZA! The joy of not carrying multiple hardcovers with me everywhere! I was not thrilled with the B&W but think the color will push me over the edge to purchase one!
I would absolutely LOVE to have the Book 3G + wifi. Oh man, that’s gorgeous.
Oh its christmas and I am so excited you gave us another chance. You guys are so kind and we are so thankful. Good luck to everyone and may this be THe Best Buy Christmas. Thanks again..By the way I heard rumors of HP got their version of the IPAD… What to do.
I want a powerful iPad;+-+iPad%26%23153;+with+Wi-Fi+%2B+3G+-+64GB/9811319.p?id=1218178657229&skuId=9811319
I want the new Kindle, but I can’t justify an upgrade from the old model that I already have (and love)!
Ooh, I’m happy to see they have iPads! I have been coveting my husband’s for a while now, but he’s not sharing. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the Apple iPad with Wi-Fi – 32GB
Santa please bring me an iPad for Christmas!
I like the looks of the Sony Reader. It seems simple to use. I like the color, too.
I love the Galaxy
The Nook Color looks awesome – I would love it!
I would love this bad boy:
The Samsung Galaxy Tab looks awesome.
I am LOVING the nook color! touch screen AND color! it is the ultimate gadget. plus it supports like every type of program/file known to man. :: drools on computer :: 😉
I hope I win so I can get an iPad! Pretty please…all I’m getting for Christmas is new work out pants!
I like the new Samsung Galaxy Tablet
I have been drooling over the Kindle for awhile now!!
Nook! Nook! Nook!
That is all.
I would love to get the Nook color. That looks awesome!
The Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
i am eyeballing the nook
I like the Kindle, but I’m wondering why they don’t allow borrowing from the library. To me, that’s a major disadvantage. I guess I’d have to go with the Nook for that reason.
Nook Color runs android. You could turn it into a fully functioning tablet device. That makes it a little cooler than the rest.
Ahhh….Ipad I love you….Nook color looks pretty awesome too!
I want teh color nook so bad- I love my reg nook but OMG the color one.
I definitely love the Barnes & Noble – NOOKcolor eReader – Black:
Thanks for the giveaway.
I’d go for the Nook color!
Definitely the Nook color.
oh how I could use an ipad…please!!
I think the Samsung Galaxy is cool. As an added bonus, it’s flash-enabled, allowing you (me, if I win) to surf the web.
The Nook color is the e-reader I am wanting from Santa this holiday season. My sister got hers early and I am so jealous!!
I want an ipad.I want an ipad.I want an ipad.I am getting an ipad.I am getting an ipad.I can already feel that ipad in my hands
jdmimi at
I want an iPad, even though I have no good reason for needing one.
I think the Kindle would be great for me or someone I could share it with.
i have to say that the nook color looks pretty awesome! xoxo
I’d like to try the kindle for sure
I’m no expert, but I’ve heard and read most about the Kindle and would love to have one. When I’m actually ready to buy I’ll be doing more research. If I get a Kindle, I’d love to carry it inside the Trip Jacket for Amazon Kindle in Navy Blue.
The Nook in Color would be great for reading children’s books to my kids.
little more than $500 but ooooooo i would luv to have one! an iPad 64g + 3g…
zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
The Lenovo – IdeaPad Netbook Tablet / Intel® Atom Processor / 10.1″ Display / 1GB Memory / 250GB Hard Drive – Black looks like just what would fit my needs. Here’s the link
Thanks for this great giveaway….would be such a blessing to win.
I like the Kindle best, but I’d be happy with any e-reader!
Samsung Galaxy Tablet sounds awesome!
I really really LOVE the iPad!!!!!!
I think the Nook color is awesome!
the samsung tab looks great
iPad all the way!
I’ve had my eye on the Nook Color for awhile now. Looks awesome.
I have been an Apple girl since before the Macintosh even existed. And I’ve been a Star Trek girl for about just as long. Now that both worlds have come together, and the iPad has finally been made, I want one!!!!
My friend has a Kindle that I have been able to play with. It was love at first sight.
The nook color is awesome!
I soooo want an iPad, or maybe a Kindle.
The Nook. Definitely the Nook.
While my husband may have iPad envy, I think my fave is the color Nook!
That nook looks very sleek. I may have to put that on my wish list!
I like the Nook Color.
The Kindle looks awesome!
I would love an Ipad so I could use it as a reader and for hundreds of other things.
pamelaschmidt at tds dot net
I would love the new color nook! suelee1998 @
Any gadget or tablet that promotes or enables reading is a good thing in my “book”.
I would love an iPad for reading books and everything else! Thanks for the contest.
I always liked the Kindle don’t have an e-reader yet! I shop amazon thats where I saw the kindle the first time now you can buy them everywhere.
great giveaway thank you!
Happy Holidays!
I put my kids Xmas before my own wants of course BUT if Santa was listening to anyone over the age of 18 I would love an iPad!
A Nook is at the top of my list this year…I love the color, but I’d be happy with the regular version. I’ll have to hide it from my daughter though!
I love, love, love the iPad!
The ipad, hands down…!
If I had a $500 dollar gift card I would buy a netbook for college and chip in my own money for a Kindle as well since I that person that has to read on lunch breaks when I find that GREAT book!
an Ipad, definitely… double usage as an ereader, and a toddler app library!
I can’t decide: both the kindle and the color nook seem awesome. I’m leaning toward the nook, though!
I am totally coveting an IPad, So cool
The Barnes & Noble – NOOK WiFi eReader – White/White
looks great to me.
please santa? still need an new computer…
Sony – Reader Touch Edition Digital Reader – Black
Model: PRS650BC | SKU: 1315219
This one is on my wish list!
The Nook Color looks pretty nice.
The Nook Color looks pretty nice.
After seeing the Tab I think I’d have to go in and check out both it and the Nook Color. I really like both.
I’ve been coveting an iPad.
I like the kindle. I am hoping for one for Christmas.
I’d go with an iPad, more uses than just an ereader.
totally love this
I really want an ipad
i’d really love an ipad
I’d love the iPad, so amazing!
Love them both…Amazon carries more ebooks though…so I’m for the Kindle
Ohhh Kindle, how much I long to read you on the go, in the airport, when the baby falls asleep on my lap, while sitting next to my toddler’s bedside waiting for her to fall asleep… Would LOVE on eof those!
I would have to say the Kindle. I don’t own an eReader, but would love to give one to my Dad who is an avid book reader. Thanks!
I am loving the nook color!!!
My best friend Pammy’s computer is fried. If I win this, I’d buy her the Toshiba – Satellite Laptop.
I do need a new phone and my kids have a ‘wish list’ of things that we couldn’t afford this year, but I’d like to do something really nice for my best friend.
She’s been really a wonderful friend and a shoulder this year, even though I live in Florida and she lives in Dallas.
So, if I win, she’ll get the gift card as my Christmas present to her 🙂
Merry Christmas
My son would love an Ipad, but he knows better than to ask for anything that expensive. I’d LOVE to buy one for him.
The Nook in color is definitely at the top of my list. 3G + a Nook would be completely amazing!!!
Thanks! foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com
Sony – Reader Touch Edition Digital Reader – Black
The sony looks good to me I haven’t heard alot about it so I would probably investigate a little more before I made my final choice but it’s got the size and the anti-glare.
I would love to have the Sony Pocket Reader Digital Edition in Pink.
I really want the Kindle!
I would love a Nook color!
I’m a little hung-up on the iPad right now, but the NOOKcolor eReader looks fabulous, too! The fact that it could read aloud a favorite story would make it wonderful for my kids, and great for my work as a school reading specialist, too!
The Galaxy is my favorite!
I wish…. I wish to have the Nook!
The Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet looks most awesome to me. Having the keyboard available when you need to do a lot of typing is very good. Thanks!
My choice is the iPad- I’ve owned mine for a month and love it. Great screen, fast processor, suprising battery life and a multitudes of apps- many are free. The drawback of no webcam will likely be addressed in the updated model early next year.
Wow, the iPad has to be my choice. It is a great digital reader, but it can do so much more!
I like the look of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Great size.
the iPad, for sure
I would love Santa to bring me an iPad or Nook color.
I love the new Nook color but my son would really like an IPad
I would love an Ipad!
Thanks for the giveaway…we have our eye on an Apple – iPad with Wi-Fi – 32GB
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I’d probably buy something for my new husband and daddy-to-be. Maybe an xbox kinect? It would help me stay in shape during these next 8 months of pregnancy! I guess that makes it a present for me, though. Oh well. 🙂
I’d really like an iPad.
sparkledazey at gmail dot com
I really like the Nook.
Ive been wanting a Mac book for years. Hoping this will be the year I can buy one…..and a gift card would help with that!
I like the NookColor e-reader.
I’d LOVE to have an iPad!!!
The Pandigital – Novel Digital Book – Black looks pretty sweet.
An ipad would be wonderful, but I think they all look wonderful. Thanks!
I really want a MacBook so if I win this contest the giftcard will go toward the purchase of a new laptop for me!
The Kindle looks the coolest to me, I like it’s sleek style. Also, the lavender case looks classy.
The Nook Color looks awesome…would love to read all my favorite books on it!
I’d like the Apple iPad with Wi-Fi 32 GB. It’s an e-reader and so much more.
Oh yeah! Drool, drool!
I would love to get a kindle
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
Totally an iPad! They look awesome!
I would love an ipad. Thanks!
I would have to say the Nook in black
I like the Galaxy
The Kindle would be great to have and I love Best Buy, so this would be nice to win. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Already have an iPad which has decent Reader aps, so it would be silly to also have another tablet. That said, I’ve used the latest model Kindle and think it’s a better “book substitute” and a whole lot cheaper. I’d use the GC to buy other items, including iPad accessories. Thanks.
iPad – wow (but really, any would be so great!)
iPad, please…
I would love a nook or an ipad
oooooh – iPad please!
I’d say the Nook Color is my favorite.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Suzanne Lewis
I really want an iPad but I really NEED a refrigerator!
I’m a total amazon junkie, so I’ve been drooling over a kindle for a couple of years now. I had no idea that best buy carries them! I’m totaly going to head on over so I can try one out in person!
bookwormbaby at hotmail dot com
Would like to get an iPad!!!
Samsung Galaxy seems most awesome because it’s a good size.
Well, all of them look pretty cool to me. But I suppose if I were wishing, I’d go for the Nook Color just because it seems to have more to offer.
The Nook Color looks awesome.
The kindle is awesome to me. Awesome giveaway!!!
A kindle
The nook looks really neat. Thanks
The Samsung tablet looks pretty great but I’d still love an ipad!
Pick me!! Pick me!!
The Kindle.
I like the Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
iPad – it’s so versatile! But the nook is very cool too!!
I really want an ipad. My laptop has pooped the bed and I can’t see the point (or afford) an new laptop right now.
I think I’d choose an iPad
I like the Nook Color.
iPad, no doubt!!
I need a new iPod!
I love my Kindle, but my husband steals it everytime he travels. Would love another one for him.
I would love the Galaxy!
iPad, iPad, iPad! But the Kindle is also nice (available from the store not the website).
I would love an ipad and the nook. I need to work on getting some personal reading time this new year.
I like the look of the Velocity MicroCruz Digital Reader, and the Pandigital reader came in a close second (it didn’t have quite as much memory). As for tablets, I’d love to get a Wacom Bamboo for my husband.
I want the enTourage reader
I like the Velocity Micro – Cruz Tablet – Black
with the 1GB internal memory it provides space for storing eBooks.It Supports a variety of media formats including ePub, PDF, TXT, PDB, HTML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, MP3, AAC, WMA and WAV
That nook looks like the perfect gadget for me. I usually carry 2 or more paperback books with me and it would certainly lighten my load to have everything in an e-reader.
Still have to lean towards an Ipad…will have all my tech in syncing mode…Mac, Iphone, etc…
The iPad is my favorite, because it can do so much more than just be a reader.
I’ve been wanting an Apple iPad!!!
my kids play with the neighbors ipad and think it would be great for our family to get one.
Since at least one member of my family has Verizon cell phone service, I would try the iPad, since it will be available for use with Verizon beginning in January 2011
I’ve only seen the Kindle and iPad, and I’d pick the iPad.
the Nook Color looks neat!
definitely the Apple iPad!!
I’d like a Nook because my public library will check out ebooks for it (but not for a Kindle)
Thanks for the contest.
Please, Santa; I gotta have an iPad.
The Nook Color looks most awesome to me, I’m a sucker for graphics and this has got great ones! Anything that can encourage my kids to read is an A+ in my book 😀
Verizon is getting the iPad next year, so my choice is an iPad that works on Verizon
I really want an ipad.