Best Buy Wish List is a sponsored series in which we feature the
things we’re coveting at Best Buy–and then give away gift cards so you can buy them yourself. Whee!
Of course one of the big holiday gifts these days is a smart phone, especially with all the cool options there to choose from. We can’t think of a better time to snag one than now, especially since you can get one free from Best Buy Mobile throughout this entire month. What’s more appealing than free? Um, not much.
Once you’ve decided whether the Droid Incredible by HTC or perhaps the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 will make you a happy mama, it’s time to stock up on the all those fun mobile accessories. (You know how much we love accessorizing.)
If we had to fill our stocking with mobile goodies from Best Buy, we’d pick:

There are quite a lot of smartphone case styles at Best Buy, and we’ve got our eyes on a few. Is it so wrong one of them is this Hello Kitty wrap for iPhone 4 case? For uh…ourselves?

headsets make smart sense for multi-tasking mamas. We’re big fans of the Jawbone Icon The Hero bluetooth headset which is as
subtle as it is stylish. No gigantic whosiwhatsit sticking out of the side of your head.

With phones now doubling as MP3 players, headphones are a must for the gym, the plane, or late nights in the glider waiting for the baby to fall asleep. We’re coveting the the fab Bose MIE2 mobile headset, which promises amazing sound and lets you switch between music and calls. Plus they come with the clever StayHear ear tips that actually hold them in place when you’re working out. Genius.
We always say that accessories make the outfit and it’s no different with your tech. So grab your free smart phone and add some cool bling while you’re at it. And if you’re not sure what works for you, hit up the blue shirts and Geek Squad agents in person at your local Best Buy store and they’ll give you a hand. -Liz + Kristen
Follow Best Buy on Twitter and like the Best Buy Facebook fan page for plenty more great deals, events and updates.
EXTRA EXTRA COOL: WIN IT! Turn your wish list into a reality, mamas, because we’re giving away two more $500 gift cards to Best Buy!
[details after the jump]
Congratulations to our two lucky winners of the $500 Best Buy gift card: Holly D and Kiersten F. Enjoy!
The opinions here are solely that of Cool Mom Tech. Maybe a few other people.
I would love an iPad but can’t justify the cost myself. But if I had a gift card…..
Okay I will keep trying. 🙂
Um, I’d really like a BlueRay player. Of course then I’d need BlueRay discs. So yep. That is what I’ll say this time.
I’d buy lots of our “old” dvds on bluray now that we finally have a new player!
Hmmm… with $500 from Best Buy? I’d buy my husband an iPod Shuffle so he can use it on his morning run. Then I’d put the rest toward a new TV for my mom, she deserves so much more than I can give her this Christmas.
A Nook is top of my list.
I would buy an iPad, hands down!
I would love to get a little netbook to take with me in all my travels!
Dear Santa , this year I’ve been a good helper and I would luv to win the best buy gift card. I would get my darling.g daughter the I beats head phones from there and something special for my sons classroom his teachers have been so amaze helping him advance in his studies and speech so lucky to have them :*)
Would loooovvvve to win the best buy gift to buy my special needs son an iPad for school!!!
I would use the gift card to buy an Ipad.
A Droid…. my antique Blackberry is on its last leg and groaning to be replaced, haha.
I would use it to buy an Apple iPad with Wi-Fi
Ziggywag at yahoo dot com
I am totally coveting the HP Pavilion Mini Netbook in Crimson Red!
I would spend it on a new computer! We need one for the house desperately. 🙂
Right now, I would love a gift card so I can go into Best Buy and get this:
A super duper brand new Keurig! With lots of k-cups to go with it.
Mmm coffee. Mmm tea. MMM COCOA!
That should keep me stocked till um March. 🙂
I have an Incredible, so that Hello Kitty case looks awesome. Yes, I love Hello Kitty, and I’m not even going to pretend it’s for my daughter!
Definitely need a car charger:
And I’m sure I could find lots of other accessories I need. 🙂
I’d love a new case for my iPhone even though my phone is totally out of date now! I’m seriously coveting the HTC droid phones too! And we “need” new TV and, and, and!
I’d love to have an iPod touch – I’m forever using my husbands – I want my own!!
Can I change my mind over and over? :0) At the moment, my favs are necessities for our fam these days!
Our old camcorder broke and I’ve got to get one for Christmas. I love the new Flips:
We’ve got an ancient b&w printer and I would love to be able to print in color and even print pictures! I especially love when a good one is one sale:
I’d blow my $500 (plus a little extra) on a new camera that I have been drooling over!
Samsung – 22.5 Cu. Ft. Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator w/ Thru-the-Door Ice & Water – Stainless-Steel
Model: RFG237AARS/XAA | SKU: 9269757
This tired mom who is fighting cancer really needs a new one. Just a dream but hey, I can drool right.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I would probably grab an ipod touch for my hubby…..or a Kinect…..or an Ipad…….or a Wii……..decisions decisions!
I would love a new bluetooth and you guys have said such great things about the jawbone it would be an incredible treat. Maybe more for those I talk to during my commute than myself!
would be doing all of my holiday shopping there – a lot of techies on my list! Despicable Me for the nieces, a flat screen wall mount for 1 brother, an Xbox for the other brother, a universal remote for the parents, and does that leave anything for me? Better to give, right?
First on the list would be an indestructible iPhone case for all the times my toddler finds it in my purse and hurls it on the floor!
A new big screen tv my old one died
I’d love to win the $500 Best Buy gift card to buy awesome accessories for my new iPad I hope Santa is bringing!
A Best Buy gift card will buy the family that iPad that I refuse to buy for myself. I can’t really justify the expense, but a gift card would make it easy.
I’d spend it on an iPhone 4.
iPad all the way! It would be my e-book reader and every tech thing I would want. Thanks for the contest. 🙂
I would go for Wacom Intuos4 Tablet. It has been sitting on my wish list for a while.
A gift card would cover birthday present’s for my dad and sister, with enough left over to get a few things for me, ds games, dvd’s, a new microwave …
I would get an iPad for sure!
I would put it towards a new computer!!
I would dearly love a new range – one with two ovens that’ll fit in my kitchen. And they have them! At Best Buy!
i would love to purchase an Ipad. I can’t afford to spend the money or justify purchasing for myself.
I’d buy a 40″ television to go with my Roku. Or an iPad so I can totally nerd it out.
I’ve love an iPad but might instead go for the XBox Kinect. I have a feeling Kinect would be better for me, at least in terms of getting me and my hubby moving. And I bet my son would love it.
I would buy myself an iPad. Most definitely.
I’d use it to upgrade to an iPhone 4. I’ve been waiting to upgrade since I purchased my “old skool” iPhone 3G about 2 months before they released the new one!! Doh!
I would love to win and use the gift card towards a laptop!
My monitor is fading fast. I’d get a good quality replacement. My children would be so surprised!!
Home computer fried b/c 2 yr old believes she is a techie 😉 So we would purchase the uber cool iMac…
We have a box tv so I’d like to upgrade to a flat screen (finally)
I would love this! There is so much on my son’s Christmas list that we couldn’t afford. I would love to be able to get him a wii system so he’s not the “only kid in his grade without one” lol And red too! His fav color!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out! 1533116 1424713&cp=1&lp=2
Oh please oh please Santa, this would be great for an iMac…
Our TV is on the fritz so a gift card would really help!!
I would love to purchase a Droid smart phone and plan for me and my husband.
I would love to get an IPAD or laptop so my kids quit borrowing mine!!
Oh, I would love to get a new laptop. I’m selfish that way, but it is truly needed here!
I’d spend my $500 on a down payment on a much needed new computer for my husband’s business!
I’d use it for my son’s upcoming bday present. He wants a Nintendo DSi! Since it comes so close after Christmas, this would help of course!
I’d love a networkable hard drive so i can share movies and pictures across all the computers in my house. But that’s only about $150, so I’d also buy a tablet, like the Samsung Tab
Ooh, I love the Hello Kitty case! I’m also coveting the Kate Spade cases for iPhone, but they’re not out for iPhone 4 yet.
If i had a $500 dollar gift card to Best Buy I would definitely buy enough family movies to last through the terrible twos that my DS is going through and secretly slip in a Kindle for when the DS is asleep and I can not only read my crime novels but do homework and read text books!
I would love to spend my $500 Best Buy gift card on a new lap top!
I’m looking at the iPad rather fondly…
Mama needs a new computer! May as well be pink!
Both my bluray and digital camera have died. I’d replace them
I could REALLY use some ear phones that actually stay in my ears when I exercise…also a new MP3 player, mine bit the dust.
I’d get the Nexus S smart phone and an iPad. That should eat up the $500 right away 🙂
I would most definitely put it towards an iPad!
Thank you!
I would love to get an Umi!! The thought of not having to crowd around a computer screen with a wiggly baby and a hyper preschooler to video chat with the grandmas sounds like heaven !!!
I would really like to have a GPS.
I would buy a new laptop or digital camera. If the card needs to be spent on a mobile phone I would love the android phone by Sprint.
Our family would like to switch to a Mac. So an iMac or MacBook.
I’m using my father in law’s nikon dSLR, but I would love to get this someday….
I’m a Mac girl, but I need a PC for medical reasons (what a drag!). So I would buy a Windows desktop or laptop that I could use for that purpose and also for my kids to visit
Droid Incredible would be great! =)
I would get my wife a Lenovo Ideapad tablet.
Her laptop just died, and she is a grad student, and deserves a great computer!
I would get all the X-files series and movies DVDs, plus Burn Notice and Dexter for my husband…and save the rest for my baby to choose when he stars loving his own shows!
I would LOVE an iPad, or we’d put it towards a new macbook- my five year old macbook is cracking around the edges.
The iPad would be a nice treat!
I would buy a canon digital camera so I could stop taking pictures of my daughter with my phone.
I would buy our family a new tv so we don’t have to wait for 5 minutes for the old thing to turn on every time. I think I could easily spend a small fortune at best buy.
For myself, geek that I am, I’d like to get a new Core i7 processor and motherboard for my PC. Or an iPad, which I think are totally cool but would never spend my own money on.
iPad! iPad!
I would love to get an ipad!
Thanks 😉
I would get an iPad or a home theater system.
I would like to buy my children the Kinect.
New laptop for sure
I would still replace my almost dead 6-year old phone, get a Wii to donate in my Grandmother’s memory to her assisted living facility (Wii bowling made her so happy! She was in the rest-home league on the “Hot Buttered Buns” team!), and use the rest for my son & hubby.
An iPad for sure!
I would really love a Garmin for my car or an iPad, but unfortunately our microwave went out this morning, so I would have to spend it on that instead!
i would get a rebel SLR so i can take better pics of my son! kids move too fast…
just happens to be the exact right price too!
I would spend it on a new netbook for myself. I’m not sure quite which one, but I would LOVE a new one or an iPad ?
A Nook or a new Android phone or both!
Everyone in my house would love an IPad! Even my three year old!
Drooling- this would look sweet on my lap.
I would use it towards a new laptop. My old one is as slow as molasses in January!!
We are in dire need of a new laptop!
I would buy a camera that I could take anywhere to capture those memories that my kids create spur of the moment.
iPhone 4 or iPad
I could really use a new laptop. What a nice present for myself:)
The kiddos could definitely use a new TV and blu ray player in the living room – they have an old school tv and dvd player.
My laptop is so old, but I cannot justify buying a new one. But with a gift card, I could splurge – maybe just a netbook though!
I would definitely buy a laptop. Ours died over the summer and i’ve been using an iPad since. It’s awesome, but has it’s limitations.
If I won, I’d buy an iPad. I’ve been wanting one since before they came out but it’s definitely not in the budget!
i still need a washer/dryer
I’d definitely get an iPad. Or maybe a new iPod nano. Or maybe the Bose Bluetooth headset. Or a MacBook Air. I’d love to have the “good” problem of needing to decide what to buy!
A good quality docking station for our iphone – with great speakers, and timer, and radio!
This would go toward the purchase of an iPad for hubby.
I would buy the Nook color and a great case and spend the rest on updating internal parts of my husbands computer.. It’s wayy die for an upgrade!
I’d spend it on an iPad. 🙂
We really would like a BlueRay player at this house.
I haven’t had a camera since before my twins were born so I feel like I’m missing so many photo and memory opportunities! I would definitely use a gift card for a camera or a camcorder, or both!!!
An iPad with lots of learning games for my 6 and 9 year old to keep arguing to a minimum over the holidays!
So many things to wrestle between for the yet-unknown final answer: iPad. Bose Home Entertainment System (speakers and the rest of the gear that attaches to a TV and plays the radio, my i-gear, DVDs, CDs, and whatever else I don’t even know about!). Plasma TV. iMac. Wii games. iPhone. You name it, and I’ll probably wish I had it. My fingers are crossed.
Definitely a Wii.
I would love the Bose Ipod speakers. The only thing we have to play our Ipod on right now is a clock radio thingy.
So hard to chose. An iPad, or iPhone 4, or a zoom lens for my rebel!
For a $500 GC…an ipad or a nook or maybe have the GC go towards getting a mac…as i am not liking our current computer.
I would love and iPad!
Or a new Gameboy since my kids have taken over mine.
I’d like this:
I would love to get a Nookcolor, an ipad, or even a new laptop. There are so many different things that I have wanted that I could have the opportunity to get with a $500 gift card.
I definitely want an e-reader, or an iPad. I might let my family get something too. 🙂
I would buy myself a laptop or an ipad:)
iPad – I want one desperately, but a friend of mine is doing a terribly hard cancer treatment right now, and I think an iPad would help her pass the time more easily at the treatment centre. And Angry Birds might help her get some frustration out!
No contest, an iPad. Ok maybe an iPod Touch would be second on the list.
I would love love an ipad. And: who won the previous gift card? Was there a winner announced?
I basically covet all of best buy to this would be a toss up! I actually think I would get the new Itouch with camera and video and give the rest to my husband for recently graduating school. Win win!
A iPad!
Since my current Dell Inspirion is on it’s last legs, I would love to get a new one!
I would love to get some web cams so my son can Skype with his grandparents, who don’t live nearby.
I would get an iPad for my husband. He keeps talking about them but will never spend that kind of money on himself.
I NEED a Netbook and a new bluetooth.
I WANT a flat screen tv and an iPad.
This is perfect timing because I don’t know how much longer my poor beat up laptop is going to make it. Thanks to my cute 3 year old son knocking it over, pulling off keys so often that they won’t go on anymore and now the little rubber nub under my “D” key is hanging on by a thread, not to mention that I just recently found a trojan on it, it’s just a matter of time. And I got it before he was born. At this point, I’ll take anything. A Mac would be great but I’m not picky. So I’m hoping I win!! 🙂
I would buy my husband an iPad because he usually goes without the latest and greatest electronics to focus our resources on me and my daughter and because he deserves a great gift!
I would get a new tv for my husband, maybe this one?
Oh, how I NEED a gift card to surprise my husband with an iPad this Christmas! Or a Nook for myself if he forgets to get me a gift… again. 🙂
Hi – I would love to see a Best Buy gift card under the tree.
I’d use it toward a Color Nook, so the kids and I can read story books on it together!
I would love a Nook Color or an Android OS tablet PC.
I want to get a laptop for my husband. He’s been trying to save up for so long and he really needs one for school. (Plus, it’s hard to share our PC at night when we both need to use the computer!) A $500 gift card would go a long way. I don’t know what kind he would want, but it would need lots of memory and the ability to run his language programs like Greek and Hebrew. This would be the best Christmas present ever!
So much to choose from! I’d replace stolen goods from my stepsisters house: wii and/or computer.
I already have a smart phone, Droid Eris HTC, but I was hoping to upgrade to something with a keyboard which would be easier for texting!
My laptop is on it’s last legs, so, since I use it for Grad School – and an online program to boot – it’s time for a new one!
I would be putting the $500 toward a new laptop, possibly the Dell that converts into a tablet. 🙂
I’d like a Plasma TV.
I would get an ipad. I would love to get the Martha Stewart cookbook app!
probably replace out tube with an internet enabled flat screen!
Keurig coffee maker, and a new Android phone!
An iPad.
Another chance?! Maybe a new e-reader will be under the tree for me!!!
iPad is it.
I really want a laptop or netbook.
I want the xbox kinnect!!!
I want to buy a new laptop.
I would either buy an iPad or use it to help buy a flat screen tv.
I would love to buy my husband a blue ray player or a PS3. He has given up so much for us in the last year since we had twin boys. He has really stepped up to help me and be there through everything.
Thank you for all the great articles and gift offers you provide your readers.
oh my. i can think of a million things i could do with this. at the top of the list would be an ipad. something i could never buy myself, but with a gift card, i just might!
I need a pair of those Bose headphones!
I would get the Nintendo Wii Console (Red) with Wii Sports and New Super Mario Bros. 1533116 1424713&cp=1&lp=2
I would buy an Xbox Kinect and some games to go with it.
I wish for the Aspire AS5742Z-4200 Notebook Pc to give to my hard working spouse who never owned a computer…it has all the bells and whistles!–details.html MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!
I would love a new laptop! Thanks Best Buy and Santa 🙂
An ipad. Or, I’d put it towards a new laptop!
iPad maybe? New TV, perhaps?
I would use it on this HP netbook!
iPad. Definitely and iPad.
This momma would buy the new Canon T2i she’s been wanting!!!! 🙂 Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. Crossin’ my fingers!
I really want an Ipad
I would buy my mom a new cell phone – all the bells and whistles – so she can finally receive pictures and videos of her grandson! (And the rest would go towards a much needed new fridge for us – I think the ‘wheat patterned motif’ on our fridge shelves is beginning to show its age!) Happy holidays!
Oh, I’d get an iPad for sure! I’m dying for one, but it seems so decadent. If I won it, it’s a totally different story!
Oooh, I’d get an iPad.
I would love to get an ipad or kinect for my kids.
I need a Roku and a flat screen monitor for my computer.
I would like a laptop for my family to share!
Ipad, Ipad, IPAD! *cross fingers*
We desperately need a new camera. Our old one is taking barely-decent pics of Baby #1 and Baby #2 will be here this March. It would be great to get some truly-decent pics of the new sisters!
I would use it to get my husband an Ipad. Although it would be a late Christmas gift, he would still be estatic. Thank you for an AWESOME giveaway!!
I’ve been drooling over a new flat screen, and this would be a lovely down payment…or maybe a new camera lens. Oh, the possibilities!
I would use the $500 gift card to get the Panasonic – VIERA / 50″ Class / 720p / 600Hz / Plasma HDTV tv. My tv is having problems right now & I am saving up for a new one, but this would soooo help me get it! I would LOVE to win!!Thanks for the giveaway!!
An ipad, without a doubt!
Ooh, an iPad. Yum!
Definitely, an iPad!
A new laptop for my husband – maybe the HP – Laptop / Intel® Pentium® Processor / 17.3″ Display / 4GB Memory / 500GB Hard Drive – Biscotti.
Anything Apple!
I would love an ipad or a new laptop like the one featured today on cool mom picks:
I’d really love to get an ipad. Thanks so much.
I’ve been wanting to join the world of DSLR photography, so I’d get this starter package:
Maybe a TIVO or a 32″ flatscreen for my bedroom or a netbook for my hubs!
I would love to get a laptop for my husband. Thanks for the giveaway.
An iPad, for sure.
I’d use it to buy a Dell inspiron 15.6″ laptop!!!!!
I would get the Panasonic 32″ LCD TV for in our bedroom:
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Ooops, my roomie was logged in. An iPad.
While I would love an an iPad, I would probably use a GC for a Dyson to clean up after the new puppy!
A new TV for the living room so the ‘small’ flat panel can move to the bedroom. Or that Droid I have been planning to buy for months now. Or a new laptop… so many things.
I would love to get a video camera to capture moments with our 2 year old and our 12 day old baby girls.
I need a new stove and a washer and dryer. I would put the Gift Card toward one of these items.
I would totally get an iPad:
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Link for drooling:
A new cell phone… like the Mytouch 4G!! I really need a smart phone.. My dumb phone is sooo outdated!!
I would use the money toward a new TV. Ours is 15 years old, and my eyes are too bad to see movies with subtitles. It’s time!
My little Acer Netbook is fading fast so I would love to be able to replace it w/ another Netbook!
I would either get an IPad or this Toshiba laptop;+Core%26%23153;+i3+Processor+/+15.6%22+Display+/+4GB+Memory+/+500GB+Hard+Drive+-+Black/1552571.p?id=1218268438309&skuId=1552571
I would get a new laptop. 🙂
I would get my hubby a new TV. He has been through a lot this year and deserves something nice.
iPad…without a doubt!
I would love a Kindle!
iPad or Samsung Galaxy tablet.
A laptop would be great so I am not tied to the desktop we have.
I want an Ipad 🙂
I’d really like a tablet………or more games for my wii 🙂
I’d purchase a new DSLR camera to capture perfect images of my newborn son as he grows.
I would love a 50″ led tv
I would love an ipad
I would love to get an Ipad!
I would love an ipad
I laptop for school. Yes!
A laptop for school. Yes!!!
I would love and ipad…just like about everyone else out there!
Oh what $500 could do. I would buy some Wii games for my husband’s office (they have a Wii but no games, haha), some DVDs for my toddler, new music to fill my iPod with, etc, etc… Thanks for the opportunity.
I’d love an iPad! Keeping my fingers crossed!
I would love a wireless printer!! I have gotten addicted to couponing and get the paper, but do not have a printer to print coupons. What a great (saving) gift that would be!
I think I would use it towards an ipad or a laptop since I am desperately in need of my own…
I would love a Sony VAIO laptop…in Hot Pink of course.
Would love an IPAD or a BLUERAY PLAYER!! Merry Christmas~
Still sticking with the iPad! 🙂
I’d put it towards a new computer. Or an iPhone!
Wow, $500? New flat top stove? Kinect? Nook color? Nintendo DS with art studio for my daughter and I? Animation software? InDesign for our PC and a Wacom tablet? I would love to have to wrestle with that decision!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to get this netbook for my 18 year old daughter!;+Atom%26%23153;+Processor+-+Matte+Black/9728901.p?id=1218161507571&skuId=9728901
tvs are cheaper these days!
i picked a 40″ phillips for $499
wow thats a low price!
zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
I would get a blu ray player also and some new DVDs to play on it.
I would love to win it so I can purchase a camera so I can capture all 4 of my childrens smiling faces and milestone and precious moments in life!
I desperately need a new computer – it’s so sad that I can’t even check certain sites from my current one!
iPad? Xbox Kinect? I really really don’ t know.
Probably the iPad so that my husband could have a bigger screen when he’s flying (pilot, leaves the laptop behind because it’s a pain, lives on his iphone)….this way he could see the kid videos and whatnot at a reasonable size.
If I’m feeling giving, that is…
Another iPad coveting reader! Love CMT – great posts.
Definitely a new laptop for my hubby! His keeps shutting down by itself at weird random moments which is not good for work!
I would get a lens for my camera. They’re so pricey I would never consider buying something for myself that was so expensive, unless I won a gc of course! lol
I’d like a new laptop–one that would run CS5 at warp speed!
I would love, love, love a new laptop for me and the kids!
i would get an iPad for sure!! it’s too decadent to get for myself but if I won a $500 giftcard to Best Buy…. wooohoooo! thanks for the chance!
I would love an iPad!!!
A new laptop!
Laptop and Shrek! Happy Holidays!
My youngest son would love a ds like his older brother and sister. I would also buy my husband a nook!
I’d use the gift card towards an iPad.
kport207 at gmail dot com
iPad please!!!
a couple ipads!
I would put it towards a new tv!
iPad baby, all the way. Although I’m sort of jonesing for a new phone. Free through Christmas, so I can spend the whole gift card on accessories.
Oooo! I need a cover for my new Droid Incredible. Thanks, CMT, for letting us know about the free phone offer. I got one for my bday!
I’d get an iPad.
I am gonna buy a new camera. I haven’t picked out a specific one yet, but something compact w/ full manual controls like a SLR.
I would love an iPad to help me balance my life as a working mom!
I really need a new laptop so this would be a big help toward that.
I’d definitely get the Zune – HD 32GB mp3 player from Best Buy – I’ve been coveting it for over a year, and it would be a definite upgrade from my 1st generation iPod!*+MP3+Player+-+Platinum+Silver/9452004.p?id=1218106991222&skuId=9452004&st=Zune_20090816&cp=1&lp=1
oh how i would love to put it towards a new computer for our household. we all share one pc and it’s getting very old and tired! xoxo
I NEED a new laptop! Mine is going to give out at any moment…I can feel it!
I would love a Jawbone or an iPad. Or maybe the new Xbox-Kinect combo for my kids. So many possibilities…
My husband has been wanting a PS3. I would get a couple of games for it too.
I really want to buy a DSLR!
I would use it towards the Samsung – 46″ Class / 1080p / 120Hz / LCD HDTV to give to my father. He needs a new TV & can’t afford one right now – it would be a wonderful surprise for him! Here’s the link:
Thank you very much for the chance!
chlorinebrain at sbcglobal dot net
I need an iPhone case, headset and an iPad!!
wow theres so many things to choice from and what a wonderful choice to have to make !
I am torn between the iPad for hubby and the Bose headphones/earpieces for me…
iPad, iPad, iPad! I’d love one as a toy for me, and for my daughter who would benefit from some of the communication apps.
This is also on my list…so I could listen to my tunes all around the house:
Maybe I’d get both. 🙂
I need a laptop
I’d go for a new digital camera! Mine’s been acting funky lately!
I would buy my best friend Pammy a new computer. THey have a Tashiba for about $479.
And while I have 3 teens who didn’t get half of what they wanted for Christmas, I would give her the computer because she really needs it.
She’s been a wonderful friend in a really bad year.. even though we live about 1,000 miles apart! 🙂
Merry Christmas and thanks for the opportunity!!!!!
buddhistmom at gmail dot com
Oh wow – I could do a lot of damage with $500 at Best Buy. Hmm, maybe like some new accessories for the iPad I just put under the tree for my husband. A new case would be nice and maybe even an iPhone 4!
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!
I would love an iPad!
I would use it to buy my husband an ipad.
iPad. Not even a question.
I’d buy my husband a bluetooth headset, and then an ipad for me 🙂
I’d be buying a Laptop, since my PC is having troubles and would WAY more expensive to fix. The plus is I can use this college courses!
I have way too much to list for my BestBuy want list. Buy
let’s start with an apple i-pad…
I’ll go for this refurbished laptop:
I would love a new Toshiba satellite laptop from Best Buy. Thanks!
I’d get a basic e-reader for myself, and a nice camcorder for my husband so he could make movies of the baby that will be joining us in January! 🙂
Because it’s the season of giving, I would gladly hand over the gift card to my husband to help him buy a new laptop. His creeps along whenever he does anything!
my laptop is d.y.i.n.g. i would love to get a new one!
I would like the Sony Handycam:
to film the new twins and their big brother, as well as an idraw for the Wii. Thanks!
Since we had our first ultrasound appt today (7 weeks! Healthy! Our first!), I’d have to say an ipad for entertainment during those late-night feeding sessions…
Would love to win this & use it to purchase a new laptop!!
Ok, I’m thinking I would LOVE to spend it on a HD video camera or put it towards a new laptop….tough call! Thanks!!!
ipad for sure!
I probably wouldn’t buy one thing (though I’d love to spend it all on me), but I’d probably split it up for all members of our family. My husband needs good earbuds for his iPod, my son needs good headphones for his computer (so we don’t have to listen to his music), and I’d love a new iPod Touch.
Definitely iPad!
I would love either a new camera, or a netbook computer! There are so many wonderful things at Best Buy!
My husband and I are saving up for a Mac book so a gift card would be super!
Much to my parents’ chagrin, I’m slowly converting into a mac person. So I’d use the money for something mac related – preferably a macbook air if I could convince my wife that we could cough up the other 500. 😉
It’d have to be for a gaming system for my son (meaning husband) and some cool lenses for my new camera so I can take even better shots of my time with my amazing family.
My hubby’s a HUGE techie not to mention the most amazing partner ever (I know lots of women say that, but mine really is!!!!) if I won the gift card I would definitely give it to him to use! He SO deserves it for taking our kids out every Sunday so I can get some “mommy” time! Plus, I think the last time he bought something for himself was in the year 2000!!!
We REALLY need a new desktop. Not very exciting, but that is what I would get.
I would love to get an Ipad for me! That would be my dream wish for myself.
I would absolutely buy an iPad with my $500 gift card. It would become a family tech product. Thanks Cool Mom – Too School for Cool
I’d immediately buy an iPad!!
I would love a new tv ! That would be soo amazing and I would be forever grateful !
I would definitely get an iPad:
would love and ipad but dont have the money for it.
We have 3 boys with birthdays in Jan/Feb. So guess where the gift card would go? DVDs, CDs, PC games, etc.
I so want the Apple® – iPod touch® 64GB* MP3 Player (4th Generation – Latest Model) – Black!*+MP3+Player+%284th+Generation+-+Latest+Model%29+-+Black/9225439.p?id=1218062715808&skuId=9225439
I really want a MacBook so this giftcard would go toward the purchase of one!
We keep thinking about a BlueRay player- that’d be fun to spring for. I’d also LOVE a Canon DSLR camera!
A new DVD player. Our current model initially deems all discs BAD until it warms up properly and has been known to throw temper tantrums of its own during particularly important times – i.e. a home business meeting when we REALLY need Dora to go Exploring. And an iPhone for me!
We need a new computer,so I’d use it towards that. Thanks!
A camcorder. Our camera only takes 1 minute movies and my wife won’t let me buy a camcorder 🙁
Most definitely an iPad.
dogsrock at insightbb dot com
I need some kind of case that I can use while working out but don’t have to hold my phone in my hand (in the event the daycare calls to tell me my kid is screaming bloody murder while I’m working out). I also really need a blue tooth thingy. I “need” to be doing that hands free driving thing. (I could always just not talk on the phone when driving.)
An ipad. Thanks!
Definitely and IPad….or an updated version of Photoshop…or the xbox Kinect. 🙂
I’d love to get my hubby a new computer or one for the kids:)
My poor broken (under warranty) was “lost” in the mail…even though it tracked to the place and I really need a new PC because my whole department (English teacher) shares only one and I have been hoarding it!
I would buy an Ipad
a newiPad for the fam!
I need an iPad for my little autistic boy!! Man they are miracle tools on that thing!!! Would love that blessing for him! Happy holidays and thank you!!
a new laptop or ipad or dslr…would be hard to choose!
I would definitely get an iPad. Thanks for the chance!
The real question is “What don’t I want”? I’m a little needy. iPad, Nook, Flat Screen, etc.
I am in the market for a DSLR. Our point and shoot is kaput after being washed in the washing machine. And with a 20 mo old and another on the way, I need a camera stat to record these sweet babies’ early lives!
I would love a iTouch and a reading tablet.
$500 to Best Buy!! I would get a new PC. I am a Mac user but I also sew. These two do not mix well. I have an embroidery machine but the software doesn’t work with a Mac, so I need a PC. Oh yeah, any leftover $$ would be used for Wii games for the family! Great giveaway!! Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I really, really, really would love to get an ipad!
My friends would want me to get a new phone so that I stop butt dialing them. But an IPAD, a camera that takes a good photo of a moving kid, these would be my husband’s picks.
Id love to buy myself a SLR camera 🙂
Definitely an iPad!
I’d get my daughter a netbook.
Would still love to get my hands on an IPad!
I would like to get a new laptop for my online classes.
So I’m a bit odd with my wish list – going for totally practical. I’d pick up this:
Yes, I’d get a range from best buy!
I want to completely redo my kitchen, but I have to start with a new range. $500 would be AMAZING to have to play with!
I’ve been drooling over a wacom tablet, I’d love to be able to draw and get my images digitized, unfortunately my scanner no longer scans. 🙁 Plus, for $500 I could get a Wii, too, how fun would that be?
Ipad for my awesome husband!
I’d love to get this netbook:
I would LOVE an Ipad!!
New iPhone (mine’s on its last legs)!
I’m thinking this beauty will capture our 2011 Walt Disney trip perfectly!
FujiFilm FinePix
Time to replace my TV, the right side of the screen is purple and though I love purple people don’t look so good that color.
an ipad would be a nice gift for mama (that is me!)
I would love to have an ipad to play with!
Need something bigger than my iPhone and more portable than my desktop. Any ideas?
Please pick me!!!!! I could really use an iPad!!! Thanks 😉
A new laptop to use to communicate long distance with hubby & family. We only have one computer so it’d be nice to have my ‘own’!!
Have to also go with the Ipad! Thanks!
I’d buy a new HP computer. Our current one is on its last legs.
I’d get an iPad for my kids. Hopefully they’d let me use it too.
I would buy a nice camera to take better pics of my little one who is never STILL!! I need an action-shot camera, please!!! lol
3 new iTouches for me and my fam!
I would love to get a laptop or netbook to help take the stress off of this ageing computer!
I would put it towards a laptop for my daughter!
Okay, those headphones are mighty cool. The bluetooth thing also quite interesting. Still think it’d be a second iPad for the household so that my work one could actually be used for, you know, work.
I would finally get us a Wii, and a new prime lens for my Nikon to get more creative with my photography!
I’d love to use this on an Xbox 360 with Kinect. It looks like a lot of fun and it would be a way for the whole family to interact more.
I’d love to win the Best Buy gift certificate. I’d either get an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I really want to be able to switch all of my magazines and newspapers to digital media instead of cluttering up the earth with more wasted paper. Thanks!
I would love to spend it on an iPad! Every time I go into Best Buy I play with the iPad display!
iPad most definitely. Not very original I know.
A new camera or a netbook!
Either an iPad (so I don’t have to fight my husband for his) or the Bose headphones that you recommended in this post.
i want a blu-ray player and a ton of movies!
An iPad for my husband!
I’d like to get my hubby an iPad or Nettop
It would be really great if my husband and myself could get an IPad for our anniversary coming up. We are both techies, not to mention huge Apple fans, but can not justify spending money on something we don’t absolutely need when there’s another bun in the oven. It is however, a lovely thought, and quite a different story getting something we’ve drooled over for a long time for virtually free.
I would put it towards a flat panel tv. We’re in the dark ages with a cathode-tube tv!
I would buy gifts for my 2 sons.. they are so precious and deserve the world.. then i would buy daddy something nice for working so hard to provide for our family..
So many choices! Probably would go w/an iPad!
I need an iPhone and would also gets some games for the kids and perhaps, a Wii fit as well.
I have been eyeing the ipad since I was unceremoniously evicted from my laptop by my kids. Apparently games and Laurie Berkner videos are a priority! I would love something to carry around the house that is small and compact (besides my 18mo. old).
iPad, iPad, iPad. Of course 🙂
I would be two netbooks to keep my two kids off my laptop!
I would get exactly what you said (this is what caught my eye): the Hello Kitty iphone case. Hello! I love HK
I would get an ipad. My laptop just conked out and all my techie friends are telling me to go Mac.
I would get a iPhone for my husband.
i would use it to buy apperature 3, ipad accesories and some movies!
Would love to buy dh a tv for his man cave that we just finished…. The attic is now his domain. Complete with sofa and deer head mount 🙂
I’d go with a laptop sleeve and since I seem to have an odd size there’s not much to choose from. this one by mobile edge looks nice.
iPad or netbook…decisions, decisions…(sigh)
I want a flat panel 50″ tv.
I would love to get an Apple iPad!!
we’ve been wanting some Smart phones
I would love a new camera…the one I have right now is barely alive. I will be adding a new baby soon so want a nice camera before then!
i would buy a new laptop with it. thanks!!
we’d probably get a new frig!
I think I’d get a zoom lens and accessories for my camera.
A blu ray player and blu rays. Maybe a surround system instead.
I would LOVE to get an iPad!
I’d get my husband a new GPS, my son a new Nintendo DS, and a brand spanking new digital camera for myself. Woohoo!!
autumn398 @
i would love to put it towards a new laptop. not sure which one but i have had my eye on an alienware one for a while!
Mama needs a new Smartphone! I’d love to get the HTC Incredible,a girl cover, headphones, and more!
So many options! I think I’d get a new lens for my dslr – I’ve spent many an afternoon drooling over them at Best Buy. Or a tablet. Just cause.
i need a new laptop!
I am in need of a new camera! Baby #2 is on her way and we need some good pics of the sisters when she arrives.
Would love a new laptop!!
I really,really wanted an Ipad and I didn’t think I would ever get one. Well my husband went to Best Buy and got me one then came home really ticked because there was no more money in our Christmas account. I knew what he did when he came home that mad (hence making him take it back) I spent a bit more for Christmas just knowing the Ipad would never happen. But while he was at Best Buy he also checked out the Samsung Galaxy which PC World mag did side by side comparissons on and he thought would be everything I wanted and it can do so much more. (if you want the Ipad do some comparing to the Galaxy) This Samsung Galaxy is much more compatable AND petite. If you lay in bed at night and wish your PC was with you which I do because this Dsi stuff stinks, then Galaxy is smaller and much liter.
So if I win then Galaxy at Best Buy here I come.
If I don’t win then Galaxy I will see you in March when the next bonus comes in from hubby =0)
I would love to finish my Christmas shopping at Best Buy, if I had a gift card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d love to get my husband an iPod – all his CDs were stolen last year so this would be a more efficient way to replace that music. Maybe a netbook, too!
Love the sound (pun intended!) of those new Bose headsets!!
Where to begin?? A Kindle, a new camera and maybe a new video game for my son 🙂 thank you for having this give away!!
I would buy music, and new Wii games and accessories. Our Wii gets heavy use and some of the extras need replacing. New games are always good.
The kid’s laptop – I REALLY want to give it to my daughters.
Ooooohhhh I would so love the Dell Inspiron Duo tablet for my husband. His laptop was recently stolen so it would be so cool to get him a replacement!
Appliances for my family.
I’d like to buy some new appliances!
Thanks for a great giveaway. I would love a TV for our master bedroom
I would buy this Wii!
I think all the members in my family would appreciate an Ipad or also a camera for all the memories.
I would love to buy and iPad for my husband. He deserves it.
Oh there are so many things I have my eye on, but most of all on an iPad.
I would no doubt love to take my hubby into Best Buy and announce, “I have a $500 gift card! Let’s shop!” I would love to surprise him and the look on his face would be priceless. We tend to walk through the store and fantacize what we would like to buy…a gift card sure would be nice!
My daughter would LOVE an iphone!
So many cool choices…hmmm?? I do love the iPad! Oh & Epic Mickey for Wii.
I am dreaming of an ipad.
money is tight an IPOD TOUCH and office supplies if i had a gift card otherwise a dream
I would totally buy an iPad! I really, really want one however, with a new baby at home I can’t justify spending the money on myself.
Gifts for me AND my family…I would luv an iPad!!
There is so much I want at Best Buy, but I should probably get a new cell phone since I’m still texting with T9 keypad. *gasp* I KNOW! Or maybe move even further out of the dark ages & get a flatscreen TV!
Definitely a Droid Incredible. We always use our upgrades to get my husband the latest smartphone. So, I’m still in plain-old-phone land! My turn!
I would like to buy a camcorder.
I would love to buy an ipad!
I would love to buy an ipad!
I would like to buy a camcorder.
I would love to buy an ipad!
I would buy an x box connect or wii to get the family moving and having fun!!
An iPad, definitely. Also thinking about a nook for my father.
I would turn our game room into a home theatre with a projector and surround sound system. My husband has been wanting to do it for years. Family movies nights!!!s
I would love to get an iPad for the hubby!
I would love an ipad.
I would buy a small(ish) television for our up-stairs.
I’m a laptop and netbook ahead of my husband, so I would use this to feed his tech geek and get him an iPad.
An iPad would be awesome!!!
It’s a toss up between an iPad and kinect. Hmmm. I’ll get both!
Both my laptop and camera are on their last legs, so I would put the money towards replacing one of those. I use both for work on a daily basis so I am just dreading the day one of them finally gives up the ghost!
If I had a $500 gift card to Best Buy I would buy a desktop computer so I can work on my college work from home and not have to go to the library.
I’d buy some new Wii games for the kids and maybe a new phone for me.
I would spend it on an ipad
itsjustme626123 at
I would buy a DSLR camera…been eying them for a while now! Woot!
I would buy a DSLR camera…been eying them for a while now! Woot!
I’m dreaming of an iPad!
I would probably buy DSLR camera b/c I have wanted one for a long, long time.
I would LOVE to have a $500 gift card.. oh, the things I could buy!!
I would probably put it towards a Nikon D90 that I’ve been wanting ever since it came out (about 2 years!)
OR I would buy a new TV so I would stop hearing my husband constantly talk about how our TV is going out. 🙂
I would love an iPad for my family, but just can’t justify the expense.
A new iPad is at the top of my Christmas List this year! Thanks for the chance to WIN! Good Luck and Happy Holidays to All!
I would love to use the gift card for a new Dell laptop
laurah2011 at hotmail dot com
An ipad for my husband.
I’d buy a router for our house so my son will stop asking to use my computer. DOH!
I would get my brother an ipod shuffle, my sister a new dvd player, some dvd’s for the family, and a printer for me if there is $ left over.
An iPad for our family. For sure! Thank you, and Merry Christmas from Oklahoma.
I would totally get a ipad. What a fun toy for the family…or maybe just for me!
iPad baby!!
Most likely an ipad or an ipod touch for me and the man.
First an iPhone for me, then a new printer for my hubby, then DVDs for the kids. Thanks!
I would love to get a NookColor
I’d get my mom this awesome KitchenAid mixer. She does a lot of baking and it would make the process so much easier for her.
I would love to get an iPad for my husband.
I would buy myself an iPad or laptop….
A Blackberry Torch
It keeps asking me to sign in and I do but it STILL says sign in?
I would buy a laptop. Mine is dying and my daughter’s DID die. Excellent prize.
I would love to buy an IPAD
Hmmmm…. Still an ipad. Yep!
I would buy an Ipad! We’ve been looking at them (a lot!) but just can’t justify the expense. I would love to win a giftcard and surprise the family.
I thought I’d know right away what I’d spend the gift cars on. I’d love to get a Kinect just the thought of all of us playing, laughing, and making memories. Or a laptop, so I can take work on the go!
I’m not sure what I’d buy but I’m guessing an xbox Kinect to keep my boys busy while I work or a color nook for myself.
I’d put the $500 towards a new computer, since mine is getting to be an antique.
I would treat the family to some new Blue Ray movies, WII games and a Nintendo DS for my daughter!
It would be hard to decide:)
Happy Holiday!
I would put it toward a MacBook Air.
I have officially become jealous of my husbands iPad, so I might use the gift card towards that. Then again, my Mom has been nagging me to get a Bluetooth so I can be hands free in the car with two kids. It would also be fun to let my little man run through the store & pick out all of his favorite movies!! Here’s hoping!!! 🙂
I’d get a new laptop.
Most definitely an iPad. Our whole family wants one but we just don’t have the extra moolah right now as we’re in the painful process of relocating. It would be a fun toy for all of us. 🙂
about a month ago, my laptop crashed & it’s currently with the people of the best buy geek squad trying to be repaired. my parents are helping me pay for the costs right now as I just quit my job (perfect time for my laptop to break!) & I’m not sure how I’m paying them back yet so this giftcard would definitely go towards fixing my laptop. also, I know I’m getting a dslr camera for christmas so I’d use the remaining money on camera accessories like lenses & a tripod. cross your fingers I win! xx
I would treat my family to some Blue Ray movies, WII games for family nights and a Nintendo DS game for my daughter. 🙂
My husband is a tech guy but we don’t have much in terms of techy stuff in our house. So, I would buy our first flat panel. In our bedroom, we are still using the TV/VCR combo I bought after my first summer of babysitting…way.back.when. 🙂 It works well for playing our VHSs for the kiddos while we are getting ready. BluRay who?
Definitely an iPad. Or the Xbox w kinnect for my kids who are dying for one. Or a new laptop. Sigh. Clearly undecided. One thing for sure tho, I wouldn’t have any trouble spending it!
I would get the Lenovo – IdeaPad Netbook Tablet / Intel® Atom Processor / 10.1″ Display / 1GB Memory / 250GB Hard Drive – Black
I would use it toward an ipad.
An ipad!
I’d buy something my wife and I can both use.
Maybe a Wii, or a netbook. She wants an iPad.
I would use it to put toward a new laptop since I dropped and cracked mine. Or a new camera lens since I dropped and broke THAT too. Or maybe some duct tape so I could secure my belongings to my person. Do they sell that there?
I would put it towards a new computer
I would love a new laser printer. That or a Dyson.
I would like to buy an iPad so that I can be online, too, while my kids are using our computer to go on!
I would definitely be getting a new laptop!
Hmm… if I had $500 to spend at Best Buy, I’d probably buy a blu ray player first, maybe the Keurig coffee maker that my husband has been eyeing and a few movies for the kids. I’d really feel like Santa! 🙂
I would by an iPad.
I would buy my mom a new small TV because she really needs one and a vacume cleaner! Thank you great giveaway and Merry Christmas 🙂
i’d get an ipod touch and a nice case for it. and maybe i’d let the kids pick out a video game with any leftover $$
I would love to replace my daughter’s broken netbook or maybe a wii that we could all enjoy!
i would love to get a new xbox for m kids, the old one died a little while ago :0)
I think we’d be stocking up on Apple gear!
I would LOVE to get a Wii for my kids and I would use it to keep fit. I’ve heard their dancing games are so much fun! I would love to dance with my kids!
My kids really want an XBox 360 with the Kinect, and all I want are some DVDs.
I would love an iPad.
Kids want an XBox with Kinect, and I would shop for DVDs.
I would love to get my husband a Zune – HD 32GB* MP3 Player – Platinum Silver*+MP3+Player+-+Platinum+Silver/9452004.p?id=1218106991222&skuId=9452004. He seems to have taken mine and won’t give it back. Of course some new earphones and such would be good for it too.
I’d buy my son a new laptop! His is about to go.
I just found out that Best Buy sells small kitchen appliances! I’d use the card to buy that KitchenAid mixer with dough hooks that I’ve been coveting.
oinkmoobaa (@) yahoo (.) com
I’d apply mine to the uber practical Bosch – Vision 4.4 Cu. Ft. 15-Cycle Washer – White to replace my 33 year old (!) washer (too bad they don’t make them like they used to anymore)
My husband & I bought a house 3 yrs ago and he has been working two jobs to support me going to school and fixing up the house….because of all the long and weird hours he puts in (he covers other peoples shifts so they can spend the holidays with their families).
I would simply love to surprise him with a new TV that he has been wanting for ever.
I am pretty frugal…I would probably try to get a bunch of clearance items…PC games, Software, Music. Stuff to make it seem like I won A LOT…which I would.
If I were to just spend on one thing though…IPAD!!!!
Thanks for the Op!
I’d get an HD TV
I am in a real need of a new computer. This would really take the pressure off my credit card. Starting a business, I would love to get a new computer with software for record keeping and storing data. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year.
Good luck all.
It’s about time to replace my refrigerator. Even at Best Buy, that’s probably more than $500, but it would be a good start.
I would buy a new digital camera, mine is a cheap-o and it doesn’t take nice pictures indoors. I’d go with this lovely Sony CyberShot:
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
I would love an IPad!
I would love a Kindle and a smart phone, I read voraciously so would save alot of room with the kindle, and my current phone is dying
I would buy this: (cuz ita orange & I really need an orange camcorder)
More games for our Kinect like the Zumba exercise.
And a stand for my laptop.
This iPad is just the right price (although I might put the g.c. toward a higher priced one):
I would LOVE to get a Sony E-Reader (
We need a second TV right now, so I’d use this Best Buy gift card towards that. Here’s one that I’d like:
I would have to say that we need a new computer so that $500 would go toward a new desktop or laptop.
I would like to get a Nintendo DS, New Super Mario Bros game, Brain Age games, Zelda games, and other games. Thanks!
I’d get a Wii for the family and use the rest to go towards a new camera lens.
I would love to buy the Apple iPad 16 GB with Wi Fi
If I won the gc, I would buy a HDMI compatible receiver for our living room because my wife yells at me when I leave the laptop hooked up to the tv. We don’t have cable- so I have to do it this way…doesn’t she realize it’s hard enough?!
Dear Santa,
I would love to have a new laptop this year as mine is on it’s last leg. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
A Digital SLR camera. Or maybe a Wii. So many choices!
Oh my gosh that hello kitty case is so cute!
Since the TV just died, I would be spending it on a new one.
I would get an I pod and start digitizing our cd,collection because we are living like its 1996!
an iPad
I would love love love to put it towards an iPad!
I would buy either a new tv or an ipad. Would love either!
I would buy a system and games and donate it all to a Children Hospital or care center. Our family will pay for and donate an extra game too!
I would buy a sound bar for our tv and some ble rays for the entire family!
I want to buy a tv
I’d use it toward a new laptop!
My home computer keeps crashing so I would definitely put this gift card towards a new computer.
There’s so much on my list, but probably get a nice video camera and load up on BluRays and Video games if there’s anything left!
I would love and Ipad or new phone.
A led 1080 tv
I would love an iPad but I think we could use to replace some broken appliances like a new keurig machine, a new printer – been eyeing the HP estation… Even a new air purifier… I know… So practical instead of splurging :0)
Yay! More holiday giveaways! I would put this towards a sleek new TV in a heartbeat. Our current model is huge (in a bad way.)
I would use the $500 to get an Xbox, plus controllers & games for the entire family. After that, I’d buy a pack of gum for myself at the register 😉
I would put it towards a new lens for my Canon Rebel Xti!
Thanks for the chance to win, and happy holidays! 🙂
I’d get the HP – Officejet Pro 8500A Wireless All-In-One Printer. This would be amazing! peanut[at]
I’d probably use it towards a new digital camera and a printer, or a kinect and games for the xbox
I would definitely put it towards the camera lens I desperately want but can’t justify right now.
i’d use it toward a new tv!!! pick me!!!
I would buy a potable DVD player for our car!
I would spend it all on camera accessories! And maybe a few DVD’s too.
Thanks for a chance to win!
I would most definitely use the $500 to purchase an iPad or an iTouch for my husband so he can easily carry it with him. I can’t use the telephone because of my hearing impairment and rely heavily on Skype Video, text and email. It would be nice to be able to skype with my husband everytime he travels. His work laptop doesn’t allow him that capability.
I really need a new computer…desparately! So this would go towards the very best I could buy. This one would be great!
Thank you. 🙂
I would spend the $500 gift card on a iPod touch. I have never owned an iPod. I want the 64 gig!
I need a vacuum and as much as I would like a Dyson I’m gonna go with the
I also would get my husband the keurig
the rest movies and games for the kids.
There’s no question I’d spend it on an iPad. For my husband.
I have been eying those same Bose earphones, a couple of fab cases for my IPhone 4, the new Kindle, the Mickey Fantasia Wii ge, the drawing pad for the Wii. Oh what fun I could have with this gift card!!
I really would like a new cell phone =)
I would get a new HDTV to replace an old set.
Oh some high quality ear buds. A nice point and shoot too!!!
I really need a new computer
i would love an ipad
thank you!
iPad for sure.
A digital video recorder for me please!
ipod nano or a flip
I’d buy some late presents for friends and family that i couldn’t otherwise afford! And a few blu rays for myself. 😉
I would probably get a new lap top or an Ipod for my son, hes been asking forever for one!
I would love to buy a laptop. I really need one. Thanks.
Oh so many choices! iPad … kindle accessories .. better camera … gps … blue ray … 2nd TV … wii games/accessories.
I would love to wint the gift card so I can get a laptop for school I am a returning mom after 8 years and I could really use it for my classes.
Like many, I, too, would LOVE an iPad!!
Definitely an iPad. I’ve been eyeing them for a while now and would love to be able to buy one!
iPad. Or Wii.
Something Apple for sure! Too many choices to narrow it down right now!
If I won a Best Buy gift card, I’d use it to buy an iPad for my son with Down’s Syndrome – he has made huge leaps in communicating with us since his therapist started bringing one to some of their sessions, and it’d be amazing for him to have access to one all the time!
This would be great. We would like to get a new tv but can not afford one right now. This would really help. Thanks.
iPad. All the way. Great tool educationally speaking, and just plain fun!
Let me count the ways that I can spend $500 at Best Buy.. oh too many to count and hard to choose!
Two things that I would put serious consideration for:
1. Flat screen TV. We have one TV in the house and it’s 13yo. We don’t watch that much TV, but it’s rather embarrassing when people come over and see the ginormous thick 1990’s TV.
2. An iPad. I’d use it for our store checkouts. We have our customized point of sale system that is web-based, so it would be truly awesome if we can get the iPad for that and easier time doing inventory.
I’d buy all the little stuff you need to get after you get the big gifts at Christmas…batteries, ds and wii accessories…head phones to drown out all the noise!
I would love an ipad. .. it seems as though everyone wants that. any kind of netbook would be nice!
I would get an iPad!
An iPad!!
Or I would get a gift for the whole family: a Wii with some games and accessories.
I would love to get this mixer for my daughter.
And other Appliances . This is a cooks dream come true.
I would put it towards the MAC BOOK I have been drooling over!!
Definitely an iPad is what I can put that $500 towards!
I’d get an ipad for my girlfriend. That’s how the big dog rolls…..
I want a new phone for my dad!!! He needs to be able to face time with my baby girl 🙂
I’d spend it on an LED HDTV or a spiffy I7 based laptop
This year my husband and I decided that this year we would not exchange gifts with one another, but rather buy a new camera to take pictures of our beautiful 2 1/2 year old twins! The Best Buy gift certificate would definitely be put to good use capturing memories of our family!!
An Ipad, hands down!
I would use the $500 toward a new camera lens! Much needed for an upcoming wedding I will be shooting, thanks for the chance!
I’d really, really, really love to buy an expensive lens for the camera my parents got me last year. I have so many ideas of photographs I’d love to take if I just had this special lens . . . 🙂
Would buy an LED television.
Hmmm probably a new iPhone 4. Or toward a MacBook or the iPad. Hmmm the possibilities are endless!!
I would buy a new TV and a Roku player for my parents! My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in October and is currently undergoing chemo treatments, so he is in bed a lot. A new TV and Roku player would be great to help him relax!
I’d buy and ipad, lots of DVDs for my son, and headphones that work for a toddler
I’d get an Ipad, although a Blue-ray would be awfully nice too! 🙂
My husband and I could really use some good bluetooth headsets so we could drive a bit safter!
I would like to get the following item at
Toshiba – Mini Netbook / Intel® Atom Processor / 10.1″ Display / 1GB Memory / 250GB Hard Drive – Java Brown
Model: NB305-N444BN | SKU: 9999013 – $479.99
Oooh, and iPad or a Kinect!
Zune accessories and a Blu-ray player with some Blu-rays. :o)
I’d love to replace our broken printer. We also need a new camera.
I would have to get myself an iPad 🙂 or maybe a vacuum cleaner!
A new TV to replace our old CRT
Although an iPad would be my first wish, a Flip camera and some new games for my boys would be a better use of the money.
I would get my husband a Sprint EVO phone. He would love to get one so that he could play angry birds all the time. LOL
i would love a dell computer
I would use it to buy my 2 kids cell phones – for emergency purposes. Anything left over I would use it to buy my hubby a new computer.
I’d like to get a new dishwasher.
New bluray player with surround sound and access to Netflix.
I’d use it toward a new MacBook for my husband!
I would buy a golf GPS for my husband
I would put mine towards a large LCD tv.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Suzanne Lewis
That would be my new laptop 🙂
definitely an i pad thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
OOH! I’d love their LG LED/LCD TV and this sweet LG Blu-ray player
Thank you and Happy Holidays to you! 🙂
If I had a gift card, I would buy my son a TV for his room so he could play his game with better graphics. His old TV is real old. Thanks for a great sweepstakes!!!
A new home theater system. Ours is having issues.
Really would like an Ipad.
We are looking forward to purchasing a new flat screen TV.
I would use it on a new TV. My husband has been wanting one for a while, so this would be great!
definitely an ipad
jdmimi at gmail dot com
I would certainly love a large TV for our den!
If I won a 500 dollar gift card to Best Buy I would give it to my husband as a surprise! I know he wants a new computer or an X-box Kinect. That would be an amazing gift that I could give.
We would put it toward a new tv. I don’t know which one so I can’t post a link. We would have to look at them all and see which one gives us the most bang for the buck. lol thank you and Merry Christmas!!
I’d put it towards a new tv since mine is on the verge of extinction!
My family would love to find the xBox 360 with Kinect under the tree on Christmas morning but that isn’t going to happen. We will be prefectly happy with buying the game system at Best Buy with our card (if I win) and some games too.
Well, I suppose I could share with the family, but I seriously want something for myself. I’ll take an iPad (so original) or a netbook. I could add to my movie collection. Because I’m so domestic, I would invest in a nice vacuum cleaner.
For my son, I would love an iPod Touch. Then again, $500 worth of batteries would probably be a great investment. I think he eats those things.
I would love to surprise my husband with an ipad for his birthday. I’m always so broke after the holidays that for his birthday he normally ends up with something home made which makes the best gifts right? Please please choose me
An iPod Touch! I’m the only one in the family without one.
I’d definitely pick up an ipad for my husband! Thanks for posting such a cool contest!
If I were lucky enough to win, I would get the Insignia – 42″ Class / 720p / 600Hz / Plasma HDTV
Oh, a Droid would make me such a happy girl!!!
Apple Mac mini
I would put it towards a computer!
Well, I’d love to spend it on the latest electronic gadgets, but I fear that I’d have to spend it as a good start on a new refrigerator! Hey, cold food can be cool, too! 🙂
i’d love a blu ray player
I really want to get my son Xbox and Kinect. He drools over it everytime we are at Best Buy.
I’d love to get the new iPod Touch (*+MP3+Player+%284th+Generation+-+Latest+Model%29+-+Black/9225411.p?id=1218062716107&skuId=9225411&st=ipod%20touch&contract_desc=null) and iTunes gift cards. Thanks for the giveaway.
The Samsung galaxy tablet is at the top of my wish list!
I would get NETGEAR – Push2TV Adapter for Intel® Wireless Display!
pattidriving AT yahoo DOT com
I would love a Ipad!
a laptop for my husband
Most definately an iPad. I really really want one.
I’d love to buy my husband a netbook.
I would buy the I-Pod Touch for my granddaughter and the Sony – Internet Connectable/Wi-Fi Ready Blu-ray Disc Player for me.
I’d love to have an iPad but I’m not going to buy one. I can’t justify the cost because I really don’t think I would use it enough.
I would buy a new computer.
Thanks for the giveaway…would love to pick up an iPad, the new model rumored to be coming out early next year !
What a great dilemma that would be but there is no doubt I would buy a new laptop computer. Would love to shop and compare them all and get the “Best Buy.!!”
I would like to get a Sony or HP computer.
I really want their iPhone!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I’d buy a new laptop computer.
I would love to win this to purchase an Acer laptop since I dropped mine on vacation!
with 500 from best buy I would put that towards a new computer for my daughter
I would use the gc to buy my wife an Acer laptop since she dropped hers on vacation.
I’d love one of these:
a Wii would be great
I would like to use it to buy some iPhone
I’d love an iPad this Christmas
An Umi… we just moved out of state with a 4 year old and the grandparents are having withdrawal.
I would love the iPad, for use as a remote at the very least.
I would love to win a wireless print with fax, print, copy and scan features.
an ipad
I would put the $500 towards a really big LED television. Right now, we can’t afford one, but if I was able to knock $500 off the price, it would bring it to within reach. I haven’t really done a lot of research, since they’re all out of our price range, but I’d love something like this Sony Bravia 46″:
One thing I would love to use it to get is the NOOKcolor eReader.
I would apply it toward the purchase of a laptop, probably a 15-inch MacBook
I seriously want an iPad!
I would love to spend this on a blu-ray player for my family, we only have the PS3 right now and it’s a hassle of course! I love Best Buy and wouldn’t have any problems spending this!
I would either apply it toward the purchase of a new stove or a new HD camcorder