For this installment of our regular Dads Dig This feature, we’re welcoming Kyle Marsh, who’s the cool dad to our own cool mom Julie Marsh.
This past Christmas, my wife surprised me with a 4th generation iPod Touch, and let’s just say I had no idea what I was missing until I started playing with it and figuring out all its capabilities. (Christmas day became Angry Birds day for me, much to the chagrin of my family.)
It’s such a smart idea for those of us who are perfectly happy with our non-Apple cell phones, but could really use features of an iPhone. So here are three reasons why I’m digging my iPod Touch.
Media hub: I really like having all my media in one easy place. I’ve got music downloaded for work or the gym, but I can also watch YouTube, television shows, and even movies, which is great for passing the time–for me and the kids.
Portability: I definitely get the appeal of the iPad 2, but I have to say that I like how I can stick the Touch in my coat pocket like a phone, but still enjoy many of the same features without the hefty price tag. And what you don’t have, like the big 10 inch iPad screen, you can’t actually miss.
Cool features: It’s tough to beat the HD video, Retina Display (the crystal clear pictures!), and the FaceTime app, which I use to have mid-day conferences with my three year old. Extremely cool. And did I mention the apps? The possibilities are endless without having to worry about dropped calls. Ahem.
You can purchase the iPod Touch at our affiliate or at your local Apple Store.