One of the most amazing things about today’s technology is that you can find almost anything on the internet. And most of it’s for sale.
Mario + cross-stitch? Buffy the Vampire Slayer + fuse beads? Star Wars + jelly jars?
They all exist. And you don’t have to use Paypal for them. You can make them yourself, thanks to this cool new book fusing geekery and craft.
World of Geekcraft by Susan Beal is a snappy ode to DIY geekery. It’s divided into three categories based on your crafting prowess, but you’ll have to judge for yourself whether you’re Not a Jedi Yet or ready for Warp Speed. Projects range from tote bags, plates, and terrariums, to fondant cakes, tool boxes, and quilts.
There’s Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, computer games, Coraline, and an entire universe of our favorite geek topics. Interspersed with the fun projects and splashy pictures are lovely, personal stories by well-known voices in literature, cinema, and general geekiness.
I’ve got to say my favorite project here is the Oregon Trail cross-stitch. Shooting my own buffalo and avoiding dysentery in the computer room was the only thing that got me through fifth grade with my psyche intact. I also love the trio of Tribbles project, the Mario Magritte cross-stitch of Ceci n’est pas une pipe, and the baby Harry Potter costume.
Even if you’re not anxious to get out the fuse beads and sewing machine, the book is loads of fun to read and will be a welcome addition to any self-proclaimed geek’s coffee table. May the craft be with you. –Delilah
Find World of Geekcraft at our affiliate, Amazon. And check out the World of Geekcraft website for book signings and news.