This little light of mine

This little light of mine

I’ve actively spent the week looking for simple photos and items to share that make me happy. After a tough week, I’m sure a lot of us could use more smiles in our day, and one standout to me is the brand new BRIGHT IDEA Lamp from French graphic...
Eep opp ork, ah-ah, that means I love you.

Eep opp ork, ah-ah, that means I love you.

Today we’re wishing all our favorite techie parents a very happy Valentine’s day with the help of some Jetson’s lyrics, and a collection of super cool handmade punk felt heart robots courtesy of Utah crafter, Ginny Penny who makes what she calls...
Baby’s first retro gaming remote

Baby’s first retro gaming remote

Since we first featured the wooden iPhone baby teethers at 3Princesses Store on Etsy a few years ago (has it really been that long?), they’ve added a whole slew of cool geeky baby gifts that just so happen to be super affordable too. As in $12. For a handmade...