Between my laptop, iPhone, iPad, husband’s iPod, USB cables and external hard drive, my desk is covered by a maze of cords. Trying to bundle them together with twist ties and hair elastics isn’t fooling anyone anymore–it’s time to address the problem before things get really out of hand.

Here are three ways to keep your cords tamed and looking cool all at once. Yes, such a thing is possible!


These cord tamers (shown above) are adorable and suit a variety of different cord needs; they have small sizes for USB cords and the like, and go all the way up in sizing to large apple cores to organize small appliances and power cords. Not only will your desktop look nice and neat, but your counters will as well. ($1.99  and up)

Blue Lounge cable drop cord keepers

Blue Lounge CableDrop 

You can stick these self-adhesive clips onto any surface to keep your cords organized, and more importantly, to make them stay put. CableDrop is the perfect solution to keep me from having to crawl under the desk to retrieve the power cord that falls every time I unplug my laptop. ($9.95 for a set of six)

Quirky Cordies cord organizer

Quirky Cordies 

Cordies are similar in theory to the CableDrops, but can handle four cords at a time. If you’re particular about having all cords coming from the same direction, simply squeeze each into your Cordie and your cords, from phone chargers to digital camera cords, will be sufficiently tamed and very well-organized. ($12.99 each) -Jeana