The inconvenience of having my wallet stolen a couple of weeks ago was tripled when I had to call all my credit card companies and waste way too much time sitting on hold waiting to talk to a real person. Too bad I didn’t have this fantastic, free app that does all the waiting for you.
If you’ve ever imagined what all you could be doing other than sitting on hold, then you need to get FastCustomer on your smart phone right now. You simply enter the number you’d like to be reached at and try a test call to make sure it works. Then whenever you need to call a company and want to skip the automated nonsense, look them up in Fast Customer’s vast directory. Click the company’s name and then wait for you to get a call from them, which will show up on your phone as the same 1-800 number. Amazing.
I tried it out with Bank of America (my nemesis), and while the first call wasn’t a human (in which case you’re instructed to just hang up), the second one, which came a few seconds later, was an actual person. The best part is that during those three minutes while I was waiting, I made lunch for my kids and checked my email, without having to hold my phone or listen to the Muzak. -Kristen
You can download FastCustomer free at, and at the Android Market, find FastCustomer for Android