I recently came across some leftover rolls of 35mm film. When I showed my children, they made me feel approximately as old as a stegosaurus.

“These used to hold pictures,” I said.

“But where’s the cord to hook it up to the laptop?” my daughter asked.

The good news is that film canisters are useful again. The better news is that you still don’t need a cord.

This USB Film Roll, new at Photojojo, brilliantly combines a kitschy bit of history with a handy 4GB USB drive. Perfect for when you’re on the road and your 4GB memory card is suddenly nearing full. Because whether your randomly chosen recycled film roll says 24 or 36 exposures, it’ll really hold up to 1000 images. Take that, Kodachrome!

I can see this one in a baby shower gift along with this adorable photo frame pin and a card that says, “Capture every moment. You’ll need them in high school for blackmail.” –Delilah

Find the USB Film Roll at Photojojo, where shipping is free on orders over $50.