With all the rumors about the big iPhone 5 release lately, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the news about when exactly I’ll be able to get my hands on one. Well, it finally looks like we’ve got an actual date, so mark your calendars, Apple fans!
According to Apple, CEO Tim Cook will be holding a media event on October 4, at which he’ll announce the iPhone 5. At least, that’s what reliable sources are reporting. This makes sense since everything we’ve read has said that the new phone would be available in early October. It’s perfect timing for those of us with iPhone 3s who are biding time until the new release, and perfect timing for the holidays.
Oh who am I kidding–like I’ll be able to wait that long. -Kristen
So, are you holding out for the iPhone 5? Do you want one? Would you be willing to wait on line for it? We want to know!
Are you kidding I am so excited. I have an IPhone 3 with a cracked screen I am babying waiting for the new one! Yeah!
My 3GS is on its last leg. Can’t wait for the new phone.
Can’t wait to trade in my 3GS!! Unfortunately I will have to wait for “Santa” (my husband & kids) to bring mine but what an awesome christmas! It’s gonna a really looooong wait……..
Yes! I’ve been holding on to my 3GS waiting waiting waiting for the 5 to be released. Except…I think everyone else has been, too. Hoping I can get my hands on one!
Despite who I work for, I’ll be right in line with you ladies. My 3G feels so ancient and I can’t bring myself to buy a 4 when 5 is just around the corner!
thanks for headsup.
i’m spreading the word.
people say they can’t hear me on my 4g
I hope the 5 is curved like 3
Definitely so! I have the 3Gs which I’m dying to replace with iPhone 5. I tend to purchase Apple products every other generation. I never buy 1st generation products as I prefer for those “bugs” to be ironed out by Apple. I did own 3G but gave it to my hubby as he wanted to try it while I got the 3Gs. Worthwhile investment!
I have an iPhone 4 and I keep reminding myself that I do not — yes, do not need the iPhone 5. Really….I don’t 🙂
I am anxiously awaiting the iPad 3 though.