Plays Well TogetherFeel a little bad about sneaking half your kids’ Halloween candy while they weren’t looking this week? Give them a little musical treat today with a download of some sweet tunes, and take their mind off of all the empty wrappers at the bottom of their trick-or-treat bag.

{keep reading for how you can download this FREE seven-song sampler}

With songs from some of our favorite kindie artists like Caspar Babypants, The Not-Its! and Recess Monkey, Burnside Kid-dependent presents Plays Well Together is a seven-song collection that meanders across several kid-friendly musical genres. From happy pop to indie rock, I love hearing songs from new-to-me bands Snack Trap and Edukator, Jr. And The Verve Pipe’s big-rock-sounding Cereal is still one of my favorites from their first kids’ CD, A Family Album.

Best of all, it’s all free and won’t make your stomach hurt like another snack-size package of M&M’s. Christina

Download Burnside Kid-dependent presents “Plays Well Together” from our affiliate Amazon.
