#whatIWishIGot gift wrapIf you’re a social media geek like me, you’ll understand why I cracked a smile
the second I saw the #WhatIWishIGot / #WhatIGot
wrapping paper

The outside represents “hope” (or greed, depending on the recipient) in
which you can imagine your every dream fulfilled. The inside represents
reality, which will hopefully match–or surpass–your original wishes.

The idea is that you can then log your experiences on Twitter. Whether
or not you buy the paper, I think it will be fun to follow the hashtags.

#WhatIWishIGot wrapping paper

Just be careful about proclaiming snarky disappointment publicly–there
are a lot of aunts and uncles and grandmas on Twitter these days. –Liz

Find the #WhatIWishIGot/#WhatIGot

wrapping paper online from Under

[via swiss miss]