Roller Journal appOh, I used to journal. And I still do, kind of–if you consider typing out whatever memories and thoughts I can actually remember at the end of a long day.

Like a lot of new parents, journaling has taken a bit of a back seat these days to things like–oh, sleep. And not everyone is (or wants to be) a blogger. But I’ve found a new app that has the old journal fire burning again–and it’s simply addicting.

Roller Journal is
a $1.99 app that asks you questions in order to get your brain
whirring–and your thoughts down on (virtual) paper. It sounds
astoundingly simple, but there’s something so appealing about tapping in
answers to questions like “What are you looking forward to?” and “What
do you wish you had the time to explore?”

I find myself clicking the
“another question” icon over and over again until, lo and behold, I’ve
written actual journal entries. A miracle.

love the easy, clean format, but there’s more than meets the eye: the
journal keeps of track of when you write most often and reminds you when
it’s time for another entry; you can add in your own questions, and
check to see how you’ve answered the same questions over time; and, if
you are so inclined, you can easily share entries on Facebook or
If you don’t feel like being Oprah’ed, you can also go free form–write whatever you want,
whenever you want. The point is that you’re writing. -Lexi

Start journaling again with the Roller Journal app for iPhone and iPad