More and more, you’re probably hearing about checkpoint-friendly cases for your laptop–in other words, cases that make things easier for the TSA; and help you get through that security line quickly, so that Mr. Grumpypants Impatient Frequent Traveler behind you doesn’t start tapping his foot loudly when you take more than .005 seconds getting your stuff on the belt. Not that I’ve ever experienced being on line in front of someone like that. (Jerk.)
But don’t let a sales person call a case TSA-friendly or checkpoint-friendly if it’s not; in fact there are actual TSA imposed standards that the case has to meet.
1. The bag has to have a designated laptop-only section that you can lay flat on the X-ray belt (or generally, in a bin).
2. No metal snaps, zippers or buckles in, under, or on top of the laptop-only section when it’s lying flat.
3. No pockets on the inside or outside of the laptop-only section.
4. Only a laptop can be in the laptop compartment.
5. Nothing can be above or below the laptop-only section when you lie it flat on the belt.
your bag fits all of these criteria, then (especially when traveling with kids!) you can save yourself a
little time, and a lot of sweat, getting your laptop in and out of your
case–which is probably in another bag or suitcase to begin with.
Here are a few kinds of cases that are checkpoint-friendly so you can see what’s right for you.
-A case with a removable laptop sleeve like the Bobarra East End Laptop Bag (seen at very top)
-A briefcase that opens so that the laptop lies flat on the belt, unobstructed like the Scanfast Onyx Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase
-A laptop or tablet sleeve/envelope, provided nothing else is inside it.
Example: The Haiku iPad sleeve or the Built NY Netbook Envelope (at right).
Hope we can save you a little time and hassle at the busy airports this summer. Happy traveling! –Liz
Make sure you’re following the Cool Mom Tech Pinterest board on tech travel essentials.
Have you seen a Trabasack? New type of bag and lapdesk in one. More of a functional style than a designer look, but a practical idea for you.
Certainly would pass the checkpoint test as has no metal parts at all in the Trabasack Mini. Still very robust and comfortable to travel with.
[ed: The author of this comment makes or sells these bags]