With a new online address management system called conXt, I made be able to solve this problem.
ConXt makes it easy to organize contact information in one place on the web. You start by signing up for a free account and then can import contact information directly from Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail and Facebook, or request that conXt send emails directly to people you want information from.
Once you have people’s information saved, you can categorize, tag, mark birthdays, and do whatever you need to do to stay organized. ConXt also will send out physical mail on your behalf and print the addresses for you. Nice to keep in mind for the holiday card process that is frighteningly right around the corner.
Right now, there is no mobile app, but I am told it is in the works, which will be a very welcome addition to an even more organized contacts list. Anything that will eradicate the need for keeping addresses in four different locales is worth a try.
Manage all your contacts in one place with conXt.
Now that you have helped us secure our contacts, how about screen names and passwords. Do you have a password vault you like/especially recommend? Help!
Hi Gloria,
Give 1password a try: https://agilebits.com/onepassword
You download it on your various devices and it will keep track of your passwords for you. It will even generate super strong ones that you wouldn’t bother to try to remember and then it fills in the password info for you when you go to a site to log in. Works on PC, mac, ipad, phone, android.
It’s not free, though – about $50/year. There are so free ones out there, but this one seems to offer the most.