If you’re like me, if you’re plunking down cash for an app, you really want it to be worth it. So an app with four games in one has my name all over it. And when all four games are educational for the kids, my heart swoons.
Smash Party
is just that–an app with math, rhyming, and letter and number
sequencing games all rolled into one. The app is meant for multiple players so it is a bit easier on an iPad than the smaller screen of an iPod touch or iPhone. Pick a subject, then find the answers somewhere on the board, in sort of a Bingo style. If the answer is on your part of the screen, you
get the points. This keeps everyone on their toes—and then the smashing comes
(remember, it’s called Smash Party) when balloons appear on screen. I’ll just say your kids will be all
over that part, trust me.

It’s hyper and it’s awesome. And yes, educational. Plus, the graphics remind me of Simon which makes me nostalgic for the eighties. Who’s with me? –Eva