Whenever I plan a vacation or any kind of day trip with my family, I tend to shy away from the big travel sites of all the typical “must sees” and instead like to dig to find lesser known spots that the locals know about. Rather than spending hours searching for blog posts to discover these locales, a new site called mosey will help me find just what I’m looking for.
mosey curates the travel experiences of others for you so you can find those hidden gems in cities you’d never otherwise know about. There are different themes to the moseys too; I saw one on wine tour recommendations in San Francisco and another for “Things to Do for Music Lovers on a Saturday.”
You can also custom create your own mosey for wherever you live and add it to the public timeline, which will then become a great resource for anyone who wants to visit your neck of the woods.
Since the site is so new, be aware that the content is still very limited and seems to all be concentrated in major metropolitan areas like New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. (There were only two options for Boston.)
Despite the nice look and feel, for mosey to work well and be helpful, it really relies on user-generated content from all over the country, more of which will hopefully come soon. And I’d love to see a “family/kids” specific section in a future build.
This could grow into great travel resource to find those hidden gems for your next trip. One to keep your eye on for sure. –Jeana
Check out cool travel ideas at mosey.com. While there is no native mobile app, there is a mobile site that is configured for any smartphone that can be accessed directly through your mobile web browser.