With all the adults around them pondering such things as “greens beans or brussel sprouts” or “what type of stuffing“, it must seem to kids at this time of the year that we’ve all lost our minds as we ponder what to serve for Thanksgiving dinner. So today’s download of the week, while not entirely Thanksgiving themed in content, will definitely get them, too, thinking about food, food, food.
With songs from kindie powerhouses Brady Rymer with Picky Eater, the Okee Dokee Brothers with Big Rock Candy Mountain, and Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke with Eggplant Man, the music is as diverse as my kids’ taste buds. I especially love the first song by Kira Wiley, The Mixing Bowl, which gently sings of the memories made while cooking together. And us 90’s kids will get a kick out of Lisa Loeb, shown at top, singing about The Disappointing Pancake. Gobble these tunes up now, while they are free for the download!
Visit this Soundcloud link to hear all eight food songs. Just click on the download link that appears to the far right of the song title; you will need to download each song individually. Free downloads will be available until November 20th.