We are big fans of ladybugs here, especially when we find them outdoors eating the bugs in our garden and not all over our walls on a sunny day. So for this week’s music download of the week, we’re loving a new song from the eco-minded, collaborative effort Earthworm Ensemble that pays homage to the only bugs that have never made even the most squeamish kids freak out.
Ladybug is an upbeat American folk song with terrific harmonies all united in singing about the wonders of those little red, yellow, orange, and gray ladybugs. Don’t be surprised if your kids ask to grow a few of their favorite plants after hearing this song a few times. Now, if I could only get mine over their fear of spiders.
Download a copy of Ladybug by Earthworm Ensemble for only $.60 through their Bandcamp link. It’s a nice addition to your kid’s playlist.