With all the features you’d want in a tablet plus a few more you might be wishing for, you’ll want to check out the brand new binj XS Android tablet, which remarkably starts under $250. With similar features to popular tablets on the market but at a fraction of the price, the binj XS is making it easier for more families to own a speedy, full-size tablet with a vivid high-def screen.
You’ll get 32GB of storage for your favorite movies, games, and photos, with the ability to expand to 128GB in case you need extra space. And the onboard HDMI means you can plug your binj XS tablet directly into any big screen — a feature you won’t find on other popular tablets.
Don’t miss an exclusive discount code below!
Parents will love having access to the millions of Android apps for the whole family in Google Play, as well as all the free educational content through the binjTV web app that’s compatible with your desktop computer, too.
If you’ve wanted an Android tablet but haven’t been crazy about the price tags, the binj XS tablet might just be what you’ve been looking for.
Special offer for Cool Mom Tech readers: Save 10% off your first order using binj XS coupon code CMP10 at checkout. Offer valid through 3/6.
This has been a sponsored message for the binj XS tablet.