We’ve all seen the late-night news exposés with hosts shining black lights in hotel rooms, and let’s just say we wish we could forget them. But now we have no reason to worry when we scrunch up next to our partners (and children, let’s be honest here) in our hotel bad. Cleansebot is a Kickstarter-funded smart bot that travels your hotel bed, sort of like a Roomba, killing all the germs between the sheets.
And hey, if you want one for your bed at home too, we won’t judge.
You just need to head over to their website to Cleansebot in action because damn, this is so brilliant. And it cleans more than beds, too. You can use it in handheld mode to clean your phone, your computer keyboard and even a cutting board. Pretty much anywhere bacteria grows, you can kill it with this awesome little gadget.
Visit the Cleansebot Kickstarter page for all the tech specs and a chance to get in early and get 65% off your first Cleansebot. And never worry about nasty hotel sheets again.
Love this idea, but can’t find any supporting articles regarding the science behind it. Can you direct me to information on how this works? How does this device kill bacteria?
Thank you.
Hi Michelle, the site states that it uses 4 UV-C lamps to help ill bacteria and prevent the spread of viruses. UV-C light (UVGI) has been a source for scientifically-proven germ-killing and purification for decades. Wikipedia has a lot of helpful links about the science behind it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_germicidal_irradiation
The CleanseBot indicates that the CleanseBot was was tested by an independent third party and was shown to kill 99.99% of E.coli. Feel free to scroll down to the ‘TESTING’ section of their fundraising site here for more info https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cleansebot-world-s-first-bacteria-killing-robot#/