This is a sponsored message from the pixsee Baby Monitor

If you have been looking for the high-tech baby monitor that “does it all” — and more — you’ll be amazed by the pixsee baby monitor. It’s not just an incredible (and adorable) camera, it’s controlled by a companion app that offers more features than you even knew you could get from a monitor.

So much so, it’s been described by users as “the perfect extra set of eyes” and having “the clearest image I’ve ever seen on a baby monitor.”

First off, parents can keep a close eye on sleeping babies day or night thanks to the Nighthawk Nyxel night vision technology on the 1080p FHD camera. Thanks to the 160° ultra wide view lens, you can check in on sleeping babies and toddlers without waking them, even seeing all of the room you need. You don’t even need to rotate the camera (or accidentally make noise, yikes!) to look around.

– Get $130 off the pixsee baby monitor for a limited time and a free 12-month subscription via this link –

 The Pixsee baby monitor has incredible features on the companion app like a face covering alert (sponsor)

The camera even has the ability for parents to monitor whether baby’s face is covered, should a blankie or stuffed animal be where it shouldn’t be. Wow. Plus it has remarkable smart capture technology to allow you to grab pictures precisely when it detects specific facial expressions and family interactions.

(After all, parents know a “I’m just fussy” face better than a “change me right this second” face better than anyone.)

And you can even playback video instantly if you need to double check anything, or watch the 12-24-hour high-res livestream later. Should you want to see some of the cuteness that happens when you’re not watching.

As for the pixsee companion app, it includes some truly amazing connective features with the camera.

The Pixsee baby monitor has an app that also functions like a digital scrapbook all in one (sponsor)

– 2-way talk that allows you to reassure your toddler remotely so they can learn to get back to sleep by themselves

humidity and temperature detection to help ensure the room is comfortable

a built-in cry decoder to help you know whether to go in and check on the baby

– control of a smart sleep box that includes built-in soothing sounds, white noise, and the ability to record your own voice to help babies self-soothe

 Area Detection to create a safe perimeter — especially helpful if you have pets or other children at home

safety features like best-in class security featuring multi-encryption, bank-level data transfer, and Microsoft Azure cloud storage.

Beyond the essentials, there are some fun features too. The pixsee app can easily turn photos or videos into a digital photo album, live e-cards to send to friends and family, and the ability to track your baby’s growth

So sweet!

The Pixsee baby monitor app can even send live greeting cards to friends and family with your baby's photos and videos (sponsor)


Order now for a terrific discount, plus a 30-day happiness guarantee. You really have nothing to lose. And a whole lot of peace of mind to gain.

For a limited time, Cool Mom Tech readers can save 30% off the pixsee baby monitor system (that’s $130 off)
and receive a FREE 12-month pixsee Planet Subscription, regularly $119.88. 

This has been a sponsored message from pixsee.