I know I don’t have the only 2 year-old who can pick up my iPhone, unlock the screen and navigate apps. And it never fails, when the phone is in her hands, the Nursery Rhyme Karaoke app, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, is the first thing she clicks on every single time.
interacting with several sweet scenes like a starry sky, a sleepy owl or
a little red car driving through town. With clicks and taps, your
toddler can easily uncover hidden surprises and sounds within each
screen. It’s simple enough that my toddler can easily
navigate and enjoy the app on her own and it has rescued me from
shopping cart temper tantrums many times.

while you might be skeptical that another rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star could be worth the purchase, surprisingly, I’ve yet to find
this version annoying. But just in case, you can always choose to turn
off the singing or music all together.