by Cool Mom Team | Life and Home
Like so many other folks out there, we’re obsessed with The Instant Pot, a hot, new kitchen gadget you might have discovered here on Cool Mom Tech. (And if not, hey, it’s okay, we forgive you. Ha). Recently, our food editor Stacie Billis put together a...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We’ve found that managing screen time is one of the most common across-the-board challenges parents in this digital age face. And hey, with six kids between us, we understand how difficult it can be, especially when just going gadget-free is not a feasible...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We’re hardly germaphobes but if you knew the bacteria growing on your phones, tablets, and earbuds, well, let’s just say you might take a few minutes to clean them off every week (and not just once a year), especially if your kids are touching them. But...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We had such a wave of nostalgia after seeing this super cool Lofree keyboard on Design Milk that we just had to share it with you. You fellow Gen X-ers who used typewriters and word processors to write high school and college papers might appreciate this modern take...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
If you’re looking to cut down your grocery bill (who isn’t?), clipping coupons and checking the grocery store circular are smart ways to make it happen. But these days, you can do so much of that online, right from your smart phone, thanks to these 4...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
These free Valentine’s Day e-cards from the New York Public Library (NYPL) gave us a little chuckle this morning, so we just had to share the love so you could share it too. Just head over to the NYPL website and create one of your own for your special...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Your Valentine’s Day just got a whole lot more romantic thanks to the official news that Prince is now available on Spotify and Apple Music. Whoo! That’s right, all of his albums can be streamed all day, and… all night. Ahem. Start off with a little...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Whether your kids are with a full-time nanny or you just use a babysitter (or grandparent) for an occasional date night, creating a social media policy is an important consideration. It could be a formal written contract, or just a short discussion, but either way,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If you’ve been shuffling your feet, trying to figure out a reason to rationalize an Apple Watch, you might want to shuffle those tootsies over to Target right now. They’ve got a big Apple Watch sale going on with some of the best prices we’ve seen....
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Just because January is over doesn’t mean we can’t still clean, organize, declutter and start fresh. Most of us will start (and finish) with the obvious physical objects surrounding us and taking up space. While our editor Christina shared how the KonMari...