by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Best Apps
Keep track of your thoughts, and maybe tackle a New Years’ resolution, with these 5 free journal apps. They’ve made it so, so easy to track your daily highs (and lows), even add photos and video like a virtual baby book, which is smart for your bigger kids...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
If you’re like us, then you’ve got a ton of fingerprints on your computer and way too many photos on your smartphone. But to start 2018 with a clean slate (or at least, a clean screen), we’re sharing 20 tech to-dos to help you get more organized...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
From scary apps your kids might be using to the solar eclipse of 2017 (remember that?), we rounded up our top 10 most popular posts here on Cool Mom Tech from 2017. 10. Is safe to use? After the controversy over their use of data (which is common amongst...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks, Internet Safety
Raising digital kids, we parents all want to raise them to be good digital citizens, make wise choices, never bully, never be bullied, use their platforms for good, and be the change we want to see in the world. Not much to ask for, right? Since starting this site...
by Cool Mom Team | Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
By now, everyone knows about Snapchat and kids right? It’s like Snapchat has come to epitomize the “watch out for kids and their apps.” But the truth is, there are so so many apps that can get kids into trouble, and it’s hard to keep up with...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks, Internet Safety
We’re all learning about new technology right along with our kids, which can put us at a bit of a disadvantage. Darn those growing brains. And if you’ve ever gotten a new cell phone and seen how much more your kid knows about it than you do, well, you know...
by Kristen Chase | Tech Toys
Mark your calendars for International Women’s Day next year, because that’s the day when Little Miss Inventor, the newest, coolest Little Miss character from Roger Hargreaves (well, now his son Adam Hargreaves), will be hitting the shelves. Related: 7 cool...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If you’ve got a kid like mine, it’s a full-time job just keeping up with her every growing interests, many of which happen to be digital. And no, I’m not necessarily talking about gaming and YouTube binge watching. From learning to code to creating...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Tips and Tricks
The TBH app has been blowing up over the past few weeks and just hit #1 in the App Store for iOS following the announcement that Facebook has purchased it. I’ve seen multiple articles referring to it a “kindness app” or an “anonymous compliment...