by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I have a thing for simple, smart design, which is probably why I’m such an Apple fan. It’s also why I love so many of the Apple accessories designed with the same sensibility. So all it took was the silhouette of this Ray Tablet Stand handcrafted by...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion + Accessories
Whether you’re thinking holidays or just looking to freshen up your fall wardrobe, tech style we’re loving these blingy hashtag necklaces from local NYC jewelry, Electric Picks. Which makes it an Electric Cool Mom Pick, since you’ll find it in our...
by Kristen Chase | Gear + Hardware
We’re always thrilled to find American-made tech products, many of which we’ve stocked in our Cool Mom Picks indie shop at In honor of Labor Day, we’ve rounded-up some of our favorites, whether you’re looking to add a little something...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
These days, I feel like my phone is as much an accessory as my earrings or bracelets I mean, I have the thing with me All. The. Time. And I hate to admit it (please don’t fire me, Cool Mom Tech editors!) but I still use a cheap plastic case from the store...