5 Pinterest pins worth sharing

5 Pinterest pins worth sharing

Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Here are our 5 favorite pins from this week that we think are worth sharing. Enjoy! 1. A brilliant travel gadget you Mac users should never leave home without. 2. A video gaming family’s organizational dream!3....
5 pinterest pins worth sharing

5 pinterest pins worth sharing

Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Here are 5 techie pins we’ve loved this week. 1. The must-have laptop case, purse, or handbag accessory. Ah, organizational zen. 2. The perfect back to school app that can help raise money for your...
4 ways to get your daily dose of cool tech

4 ways to get your daily dose of cool tech

Never miss a day of Cool Mom Tech! Here’s how:1. Like us on Facebook2. Follow us on Twitter3. Subscribe to our RSS feed4. Now, follow us on Pinterest*Bonus! Become an email subscriber. It’s not daily, but you’re welcome to read our newsletter every...