AppCertain parental notification app at Cool Mom TechI feel for parents of teens these days, who not only have to contend with the usual teen angst, but also have a whole new set of digital obstacles to face with their kids texting and app-downloading and web surfing. Not to mention apps like SnapChat (eek).

Thankfully, there are more resources cropping up to help parents navigate this tricky path, and this smart new iOS app we found is one of them.


AppCertain is a new app that sends notifications to parents every time a new app is downloaded onto their kids’ phones. After you set up an account, you install a security profile on the mobile device you want to track (which means letting your kid know what you’re doing– we’re all about transparency) and then AppCertain creates an app download report for you.

SnapChat download notification | Cool Mom Tech

Details include what the app is about, its educational value, whether it accesses inappropriate content, and if there are in-app purchases, photo access, or location tracking. Basically, it gives you confidence that the app is nothing much to worry about–or lets you know you should take your kid’s phone and run for the hills.

Just kidding. Maybe a talk about appropriate content and app watch-outs will do the trick.

But it’s not all bad. You may be surprised to learn all the wonderfully educational and enlightening apps your child is downloading. It’s possible, right? At least with AppCertain, you’ll know for sure. Jeana

AppCertain is free for iOS devices on iTunes and covers the monitoring of one device. Each additional device requires an in-app purchase of $4.99 which, we know, is kind of ironic.