Killing toothbrush germs, ninja style

Killing toothbrush germs, ninja style

Way back when,  we discovered the VIOlife toothbrush sanitizers, which are the cutest tool for killing toothbrush germs ever. While there are some designs suitable for adults, we kind of like the fun ones made for kids–or adults who act like kids of course. Now...
Piquing Our Geek: Cleaning water with UV light

Piquing Our Geek: Cleaning water with UV light

I wouldn’t call myself a person who particularly likes to “rough it.” Call me crazy for wanting plumbing. That said, I have gone camping on a couple of occasions and do envision taking the kids to teach them about enjoying the great outdoors. And...
Kung-fu UV Panda

Kung-fu UV Panda

We love cute. We love smart. And we hate hate hate yucky bacteria, especially the kind that winds up on kids’ toothbrushes and in their mouths.And that’s why we adore this panda, the cutest, newest release from the line of Zapi toothbrush sanitizers When...