Cate & Levi are the artists behind those gorgeous upcycled hand puppets we’ve seen at craft shows, and higher-end stores like West Elm and Red Envelope. The puppets are locally sourced, upcycled works of art, so how wonderful that they’re taking the leap into a puppet show app for children.

The new puppet theatre app from Cate & Levi is a wonderful way for kids to create their own plays to record and save using the app. It’s very simple, really. It’s a video camera with unique borders and backgrounds with themes like winter or space, giving your kids the opportunity to create their own short shows up to one minute long. In the space theme (above) for example, your puppet show takes place in the window of the spaceship with the window filling the screen most of the time.

Cate & Levi app puppets | Cool Mom Tech

I love that the puppet illustrations mirror those unique wools used in their puppets.Which means this fun app might just be the spark of inspiration your kids need to make some fun, original videos starring real hand puppets–perhaps even ones from Cate & Levi.

For a fun little puppet show app for kids, download the Cate and Levi Puppet Theatre app for iOS. It’s free!