Just last week, I sat next to a young woman on an airplane. She was on a mad scroll on her iPhone, just thumbs moving across the slick screen super fast. She was on Tinder, and I was low-key amazed at her swiping skills. It was something to see, a person’s mind moving so quickly through Interested and Nope.
So it’s no surprise apps for other industries (besides the hook-up industry? Is that an industry) like the Switch app, are taking that same Like-or-Pass, Tinder mentality, here, applying to the job search. Or actually, they call it job discovery. Its aim is to help you find that next dream job, presumably while you’re already working.
It’s simple to use: Create an anonymous profile via LinkedIn. (Don’t worry, it’s not your actual public LinkedIn file. That would be bad.) Then just Like or Pass on jobs that Switch app suggests for you. When you find a potentially good match, you can connect with the employer and reveal your identity. You can even text with someone at the company right through the app.
If you are the employer looking for new talent, there are different screen prompts for you. If this catches on–fish in a barrel.
I like the idea of browsing for the Next Best Gig with a swipe of the finger, provided a good pool of candidates emerges who take this seriously, and it doesn’t end up with the same reputation as Tinder has in some circles.
It could be especially perfect for underemployed new parents looking to get back into more full-time professional work out of the home after the kids head back to schoool. Let’s hope you all land on something wonderful that is spilling over with Like, very little Pass.
Switch app is a free download on iTunes.