When I spotted the free 1+2=3 app in the App Store and it asked me if I was smarter than a first grader, my interest was definitely piqued. And well, after playing pretty much non-stop for the past couple of days, I see why it gets such great reviews.

First of all, turn off the sound unless you like loud pings and a maniacal laugh from a funny-looking dog. Seriously, my son was like “please turn that off it scares me!” Then hit play and start solving the simple math problems that all equal 1, 2, or 3.

1+2=3 app is a fun, free brain teaser app

At first, you’ll think it’s pretty easy, but as you continue, you’ll notice that the equations become more challenging, which would be fine if there was no timer but yep, if you don’t answer in time you lose and the dog pokes fun at you.

It’s really meant for adults, or maybe older kids who won’t get frustrated easily, because the timer moves very quickly. I figure it’s okay to have apps just for me every now and then right? Plus, my poor, tired brain needs little diversion and exercise.

You can download the free 1+2=3 app by Pine Entertainment on iTunes.