While regular people are dreaming of walking on Mars’ red surface, you can be dreaming about strolling on Kepler-186f’s red grass or pretending you’re Luke Skywalker on the real-life version of Tatooine with one of three printable vintage space posters of newly discovered planets in our solar system.

Created by NASA’s visual strategists, Joby Harris, David Delgado and Dan Goods, the trio of eye-catching posters pay homage to the Golden Age of Travel from the first half of the 20th century. But instead of promising such exotic adventures as riding elephants in the Orient or seeing the glaciers of Alaska aboard a luxury ocean liner, NASA’s new space posters promise some less earthly adventures.

Try the jump of your life by skydiving to planet HD 40307g, a “Super Earth” planet whose gravity is much stronger than what we experience here. Or try relaxing in the light of Kepler 16-b’s two suns, with the slogan Where your shadow always has company–a must visit for any Star Wars fanatic. Just don’t think about how much SPF you’d need to bring on the flight.


NASA's printable outer space travel poster featuring Kepler 16b, the planet with two suns


NASA's printable outer space travel poster featuring planet HD 40307g, the Super Earth


NASA's printable outer space travel poster featuring planet Kepler-186f


All three posters are free to download and print in color at home. I think they’d look awesome hung in an office or on an outer space-loving child’s bedroom walls. And who knows: Maybe someday their great-great grandchildren will have even more far-out destinations to visit in their dreams.


NASA’s three vintage-style space posters featuring newly discovered planets in our universe are free to download and print.