Over the years, we’ve found great illustrators who have taken their own baby photos and turned them into fantastic collage drawings. But now we found a sister team out of Barcelona who’s attempting to do one better with their new Kickstarter: The MyBabyD app will let you upload your own photo and send it to them, resulting in amazing illustrations which are better than you could do yourself. Or at least better than I could do, that’s for sure.
So far, Carlotta and Camilla Daldoss’s app is in its early stages, but I like where it’s going. The nav looks simple and well-designed, and the end result will be great, if it’s anything like their samples on the Kickstarter page. But there’s more to it than just messing around with photos.
What what really makes this special is that you will be able to turn the final result into a calendar, puzzle, coloring page, iPhone or Galaxy case, onesie, and other keepsakes. So it’s not just about sharing on social media — though of course you can do that too. This being 2015 and all. But hey, if you end up with something as cool as some of these images, I’d love to turn them into photo gifts for family.
Now some of the details are not entirely clear, but I do get the sense that there are two options: Sending them your photo for personalized embellishment for some kind of yet to be determined fee, or playing with your own photos on the app using “stickers” as shown above.
It’s such a clever idea, isn’t it? Of course we do have a few questions, like is it just for iOS? It seems that way, though considering there are Galaxy cases as rewards, maybe there will be an Android app too? Either way,I’m rooting for the sisters behind the MyBabyD photo app. Besides, I’d love to see my own girls doing the laundry. Even if it’s just in 2-D on a photo mug.
Check out the MyBabyD app on Kickstarter which is expected to launch around September, 2015. There are some really fun rewards for parents, like photo collages featuring personalized, hand-signed drawings from Camilla, or that collage printed on jigsaw puzzles or gadget cases. Hurry, the Kickstarter ends 7/2/15
Hi Liz,
it’s a great honour for Camilla and me that you liked our idea & project, talked about it and have some questions!
Our APP project will start with the iOS version but we already planned the Android one (infact is our strech goal in KS!), problem with this is the damned cost it means, for this we launched our Kickstarter and we will go for it til the end of the remaining 26 days!
Our idea, apart mantain an elegant and simple design, is that the APP has to be really easy to use for the user. I tried plenty of photo APP where you can add stickers and similar things and I always “get annoyed” soon or because there were too many choices or because the result was not so nice, or just because the “look&feel” was not what I was looking for.
Sayed that and technologically speaking, there is a main difficulty building the APP that is in the develop of an algorithm that aloud the automatic background recognition. As you can see from the pictures we need only baby body stay in our compositions, so we have to “magically” eliminate the rest of the photo.
This is something that at the moment exists only for faces or that is totally manual…
…it’s not our taget, we want something easy to use and that the user will enjoy to create one and another myBabyD.
That’s make more sense on the why of our Kickstarter Campaign?
I read on a Tweet a couple of days ago this: “Even joining with a pledge of one dollar is a huge help to us” … and I can say really that… THAT’S TRUE!!!
So mommies & daddies, if you would like the idea to play with our APP, do not think more and choose one of our rewards in kickstarter! What I can assure you is the impressed and smile face of you or grandparents seeing their baby in a myBabyD.
I’ve already seen it plenty of time and still react like this myself on a new of my kid!
For the last doubt you had Liz, everything started with our personalized myBabyD compositions. We ask you some photos of the baby and then build, totally new drawing around it, Camilla has such many great ideas and an infinite immagination!
We already did many of these and have a website for these service, http://www.mybabyd.com.
In this case we will deliver a high resolution image that you can print wherever you would like to, or we propose you directly some products (puzzles, cups, smartphone covers, magnets,…) together with the composition.
We would be delighted to make a personalized myBabyD with your baby girl Liz, would you like it?
And the new project is the APP where, as you sayed above, you could play with your own photos on the app using “stickers”, then share it or print it in the product you like more… and you can help us reaching the APP here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1953404878/mybabyd-turn-a-snap-into-a-smile-unique-personaliz
if you have any other doubt, curiosity or maybe suggestions please just tell or ask!
Thank you for the clarification, and for your passion, Carlotta! (Let alone your English…which is way better than my Catalan.) We look forward to checking out the website for personalized drawings, and seeing how the app project evolves. We know how challenging Android apps can be for new developers, so it’s great that you’re working towards it — we know a lot of readers will be very happy to hear that. Good luck to you!
Hi Liz! I’m here for any questions and Camilla is ready to prepare as many personalized myBabyDs people would like to have!!
About Android be sure we’ll start that soon, and of course more help we have in the kickstarter easier will be for us!
Thanks for yous support!
Hi Liz and everybody!
I’m writing you back here as we are working hard on our APP and we can finally announce that it will soon be ready!!
Thinking end of september but we do not have yet a set date but I would like to send all of you our promo video and our landing page where you could insert your email and we will advise you when the app will be available to be downloaded. Here you will see everything: app.mybabyd.com
PS: I can also confirm that few weeks after the iOS version also Android will be available!
A new app, available only for iOS for the time being is Super Pic, you can find it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/superpic-simple-private-photo/id1003581860?mt=8.
Hi Liz and all the moms reading!
Following my previous messages I couldn’t miss this one. Today our app is finally published both on iOS and Android platforms! We are sure you will love it and invite you to download it and start having fun with it and create beautiful images with your babies!
FREE version with 12 different templates and then a PRO version with up to 50 templates and high quality saving to print up to a greeting card size, for example now that Christmas is coming!
Not telling more.. you can just check it out going at app.mybabyd.com
Sure you’ll love it!