To celebrate the release of The Force Awakens — you have heard of it, right? — the team behind one of our favorite tech toys, littleBits, has put together a very cool user-generated #BITSWARS campaign, generating nearly 100 (so far)  DIY project ideas conceived of by fans using their kids’ circuitry kits. And we think your Star Wars fans will think they’re pretty cool to watch.

If you have one of their circuitry sets, be sure to check out all the step-by-step tutorials available, especially the ones that show you how to create some of Star Wars biggest icons like R2-D2, a light saber, and everyone’s new favorite, BB-8 — even if he is a little bottom heavy.

Of all the Star Wars buzz we’ve seen, I’m thinking projects will help your kids capture the spirit of Rey best of all. No spoilers, but she is a pretty brilliant engineer. In fact, the entire episode VII features a lot of empowering women (no Slave Leia flashbacks), and we bet if some of them were in our own galaxy, they’d stock up on printer ink and have fun with these projects.


How to build a R2-D2 droid with littleBits. Free tutorial.

Build your own BB-8 droid using littleBits with this free tutorial from American Hacker.

Each of the three projects should take about four or five hours, minimum. Which we think is perfect for the post-Christmas boredom that will inevitably set in next week before school starts up again.

Visit the littleBits #BITWARS user generated tutorials for all kinds of cool Star Wars tech projects, including creating R2-D2 and a light saber using paper craft and basic circuitry. Also check out  American Hacker’s YouTube video with DIY instructions to build your own BB-8

Thanks, littleBits, for making these free! The force is strong in you.