by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media
If you’re going to Instagram your Easter eggs today, why not try Instagramming a Pinterest-ready Easter egg with a Twitter icon, then save it on Flickr? Or something. Well, you can do that if you’re crafty enough to emulate these amazing social media...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
For the past few weeks, New York City has been awash in giant Easter eggs, in a brilliant (if a little time-consuming for me) social-media-meets-installation-art campaign for Fabergé called The Big Egg Hunt. It brought eager New Yorkers and tourists alike scavenging...
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
When we discovered the EggBot, we were like uh, wow. (Actual quote.) You have to be pretty into Easter Egg decorating to invest in that thing. But, I admit sheepishly, it’s been on my brain all this time. And hey! Now there’s a deluxe version...