by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
Lately I’ve gotten sucked into a new website called If It Were My Home, which compares countries around the world to your own hometown, or any other location you designate in their search engine. You’ll get a quick snapshot of all kinds of comparable stats...
by Kristen Chase | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I just spent the last 30 minutes playing the new Amazing World Atlas app, which should probably be reason enough for you to download it to your smart phone or tablet but hey, if you need a little more convincing, I’m happy to help. We’ve featured cool...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We’ve used the cool virtual map Google Earth to get a bird’s eye view of our house, Disney World, and my mother’s tiny hometown in Europe. And now there is a really neat history book for kids, History of the World with Google Earth, that puts the...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Educational Apps
The Geography Drive USA app is one of our favorite fun ways for kids to learn about geography, and so we were excited to see the release of their newest educational kids’ app—Geography Drive Arcade. This is a mini-arcade version of the main app, with four...