by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
My first instinct (and job) as a mom is to keep my kids safe, so when I found out how many thousands of bits of information about us were being sent to online marketers every time they play or learn on my iPad, I got pretty protective. For this mom, that has to stop...
by Julie | Websites We Love
When I’m in a new city, I want to see the good stuff. Monuments and museums can be interesting, but what really fascinates me are the sights that not everybody has seen. Or even knows about. Which is why this amazing website is my new tourist guidebook. Even if...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
I’ve always wondered if there’s an easier way to type accent marks if you don’t have them all memorized, or stuff like currency symbols. Do you have any ideas? Thanks! -Juliet Oh, the accent marks. The special characters. The symbol for the Euro. Pi....
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
Now that so many people are using URL shorteners like,, tiny url, and even custom urls, it’s easier to get tricked into clicking over to a phishing site or intalling malware that suddenly DMs your whole Twitter list to tell them “look at this...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
Anyone who knows me is well aware of my penchant for sniffing out a good bargain. I really don’t like to overspend–who does?–and am excited about a new website that will help me become an even better bargain shopper. Nifti is a new shopping service...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you’re into social networking–as in, actual networking for work or personal reasons–then you definitely want to know about newsle, a wonderful newsfeed service that is keeping me on top of all the important stuff they’re doing. Subscribe to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
I am now one of PicMonkey’s biggest fans along with the rest of the Cool Mom Picks crew. It’s easy to make collages. It’s easy to edit photos. But one thing that’s always been challenging is doing both together. Argh. Well no more! Just last...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
If you’re going to use the holiday weekend to catch up on some movies (i.e. free air conditioning), there’s a new family movie guide that’s definitely worth checking before you spend $140 on two tickets. (That’s close to the actual price,...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
July 1st is right around the corner, which to us tech-minded folks means the day that Google Reader officially dies. Pause for silence. Sad day for many who have long-relied on this handy platform to keep up with their favorite blogs and news feeds; but fear not! We...