Catalogues, without the paper

Catalogues, without the paper

I have a deep and abiding love for catalogs, even more than for magazines; I can spend hours curled up with a pile of shiny catalogs, dog-earing pages and tearing out examples of how I want my life to look. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m...
Piquing Our Geek: Google Wallet

Piquing Our Geek: Google Wallet

I barely carry cash around with me any more, relying solely on my soon to be dubbed George Costanza wallet of credit and debit cards to do the work for me. But it looks as though even those will be obsolete, thanks to a the next release from Google that might just...
New shopping spree enabler! Call a support group!

New shopping spree enabler! Call a support group!

I always used to look forward to catalogs appearing in my mailbox. Now that I am more eco-conscious (and busy), catalogs are like paper spam, or at best, something for my kids to cut up for art projects. While I still enjoy the experience of looking through a catalog,...
5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

Ever tried to go clothes shopping for yourself with kid(s) in tow? Between toting a toddler while carrying unwieldy hangers, and then attempting to catch a mannequin in mid-air because your little one has pulled its skirt down therefore making it fall over (yes, it...