So I’ve seen lots of USB electrical outlets and I think they’re brilliant, though admittedly they look a little complicated for me to install. But the Power2U looks so easy that even I could actually do it myself.
If you’re handy, then it might not be a big deal for you, but when I found the Power2U USB outlets and watched the how-to video, I was convinced that I might finally be able to get these in my own home. Considering how many USB gadgets we’re all using in our houses these days, it’s a smart addition to the kitchen, bedroom, and your home office.
I really like how the outlet only outputs the power you need for that specific device, plus the safety shutters over the USB ports means you’re not sucking out energy when they’re not in use. And while this isn’t necessarily a pop-in-and-go situation (expect around a 20-minute installation process, give or take), it’s definitely something to consider in terms of saving energy, space, and a little bit of sanity when you’re trying to track down those errant USB chargers. That can’t just be me, right?
You can purchase the USB electrical outlets on the Power2U website.