by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
If you’re a city-dweller like me–or even a city visitor–HopStop is definitely a lifesaver. This site offers an easy way to get transition directions by subway, cab, bus, or even by foot. (Although truly, it’s the subway that gets the most use...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment
I find one of the things I don’t have time to do much anymore as a busy parent is find new music. Of course that doesn’t entirely explain why my playlist seems to have stopped growing around 1998, but we’ll just stick with it. This neato site...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I am in desperate need of storage around my house, and I’d imagine anyone who has caught a glimpse of the piles teetering over my desk would agree. So I was browsing one of my favorite browsable online catalogs this weekend and ooh, lookie what I found! The...
by Liz Gumbinner | Photography
Ever since discovering the Instagram iPhone app, I’ve become completely obsessed; so much so that it’s all I really use to take photos of my kids anymore. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to share them with friends and family, other than emailing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tech Toys
You have to be pretty hard core about your Easter Eggs to invest $195 in a machine that makes them look awesome. But that’s just what the creators of the Egg-Bot were thinking when they invented this open-source robot that applies computer controlled motion to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
I have more problems managing my inbox flow than you can imagine. Seriously, you don’t want to know how old some of the emails in my inbox are. (Okay, 4 years. Just in Gmail. My other account goes back to 2002.) So after much urging by kindred spirits on...