5 gadgets the iPhone 4 replaces

5 gadgets the iPhone 4 replaces

I admit that way back when my husband bought me a first generation iPhone, it was a completely frivolous purchase for me–something I coveted because it looked cool. And I could check email from my phone! Technology! Fast forward a few years with my newly...
Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

If you’re especially proud of all the hard work and time you’ve put into Facebook–writing funny comments on people’s walls, creating clever status updates and choosing only the cutest photos of your kids for your photo albums–you’ll...
Oh Appy Day! featuring Gretchen Rubin

Oh Appy Day! featuring Gretchen Rubin

Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, author Gretchen Rubin shares her fave. I try not to make a habit of handing my iPhone to my six-year-old, but one app, Pocket Piano, has proved very handy during...
3 cool apps for older kids

3 cool apps for older kids

As much as my little ones love to play with my iPhone, my nearly 7 year-old daughter enjoys her fair share of play time, usually with games that I’ve downloaded for myself. (Who can resist Angry Birds and Tiny Wings?) So this past week I went on a search for fun...
Oh Appy Day! featuring Lisa Stone

Oh Appy Day! featuring Lisa Stone

Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, BlogHer co-founder Lisa Stone shares her fave. With the Kindle app, you can look like you’re working when you’re deep in a novel. It’s the only...
Reader Q+A –  Hipstamatic for Android?

Reader Q+A – Hipstamatic for Android?

Q: Aw man…where is the Hipstamatic for us Android users? -Cool Mom Tech fan via Facebook. A: Lots of readers agreed with Debi Mazar’s Hipstamatic app recommendation on our site last week, but our Android users are again asking, “where’s my...
Getting a charge out of your laptop sleeve

Getting a charge out of your laptop sleeve

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, and that’s kind of what I’m thinking about this laptop sleeve, with a handy velcro flap opening to allow you to charge your Macbook Pro while it’s still in the case. The neoprene Charge Up Laptop Sleeve by...
Oh Appy Day! featuring Liz Lange

Oh Appy Day! featuring Liz Lange

Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, fashionista Liz Lange shares her fave. I am a Blackberry-aholic and I will NEVER give it up, but I carry an iphone JUST for the apps, in particular this one: Red...