by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
This past week, my 11-year old daughter and I had a long conversation about Snapchat. She’s been begging me for awhile now, but lately, it’s amped up because pretty much all her friends use it exclusively to communicate. I’ve been very resistant to...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
We know that “digital parenting” is quite the buzz phrase these days. Our approach to it has been similar to how we parent our kids around similar difficult topics (think non-alarmist, non-judgmental), except unlike the sex talk or the drug talk,...
by Kate Etue | Educational Apps, Best Apps, Websites We Love
As a homeschool mom, there’s something I’ve realized about myself over the past couple years: I’m not great at everything. There are some subjects I definitely teach better than others (hello, writing!), and some that I have no business attempting to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Life and Home
Sometimes I discover a new company at a tech press event that I’m so excited about, I run right over here to tell you about it. And sometimes, that product is so perfect that I first make a quick stop at the company website to buy one for myself. That’s...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
My son just texted me: “Mom, Say 18 to Siri, but then watch your screen.” Sure enough, a countdown for calling 911 pops up. Thankfully, I was watching my screen like he told me to and I was able to stop it. Related: The first thing your child should say...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion + Accessories
Those who know me, know I love my Bandolier. I keep upgrading mine every time I get a new iPhone, that’s how much I love it. Especially now that they offer a selection of Bandolier zip pouches that attach to the back, to help you carry more stuff with less...
by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media, Gear + Hardware
This weekend, inspired by the Cool Mom Picks book club video chat about How to Break Up with Your Phone, I decided to try one of author Catherine Price’s tips to help me be more mindful about my screen time, and more aware of how much I pick up my phone. She...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
If you’ve got kids in summer camp, you may know that each day they don’t get a letter from home is another reason they grow up to resent you. Kidding. But they do like to get lots of letters — and I admit, I am not the best daily letter writer. At...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
I currently have just under 12,000 photos on my iPhone. I know, I know, but when you work in social media and have four adorable children, it happens. As you might guess, even with the handy location feature, as well as moments, favorites, and face recognition,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Internet Safety, Tips and Tricks
Our social media feeds are blowing up photos from the FaceApp, thanks to the new FaceApp Challenge, but is it safe? If you’e missed the buzz, this hilarious (ish) app lets you upload a photo to the app, then edits it using AI filters so you can see how...