by Cool Mom Team | Social Media
We cannot tell you how many of our readers and Twitter followers ask if you can edit tweets. And if you spend any time on the network at all, you’ve probably seen those requests pop up too. So at long last –hooray! — Twitter is rolling out Tweet...
by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media
If you’re going to Instagram your Easter eggs today, why not try Instagramming a Pinterest-ready Easter egg with a Twitter icon, then save it on Flickr? Or something. Well, you can do that if you’re crafty enough to emulate these amazing social media...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
When I shared 8 ways I use my smartphone camera to make my life easier awhile back, I had no idea how much it would resonate with other parents! But I get it — anything to preserve a few extra brain cells, right? So, we’ve expanded this list of ways to use...
by Liz Gumbinner | Social Media
Today I cracked open my Facebook feed and was officially welcomed to the emojification of Facebook, with their new reaction system that gives you more options than mere “likes.” For everyone who ever begged for a dislike button, the current solution takes...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
A couple of weeks ago, our friend Heather from the Rookie Moms discovered that her babysitter had been taking photos of her kids on SnapChat and she asked her Facebook friends what they would do about this. Now before you freak about sexting, SnapChat has pretty much...
by Nicole Blades | Uncategorized
Whenever my husband and I manage to squeeze in a date night dinner, I have to be very conscious of my iPhone usage. He does not appreciate the lemme just check this one thing real quick business, not in the slightest. I get it, though. Having my face washed in that...
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
One thing that’s become abundantly clear to me after a year of following Black Lives Matter tweets and listening more closely to what people of color have to say about their own heroes and history without media spin, is that a lot of us have only grasped a very...