by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
If your Facebook page is hardly recognizable now with all those sponsored posts, unfiltered feeds and frankly, status updates from people you don’t need to hear from every hour on the hour, then a neat plug-in I just found may be just what you need. Social Fixer...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
Cool photo gifts for mom tend to be a sure thing in the Mother’s Day gift department. Since so many services have made it a snap to print incredible gifts directly from the photos you take on your Instagram account, we’re all for taking advantage with one...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Photography
Giving money to a great cause feels good, but giving children the power to change their community is even better. We love how this project uses photography to make the world a more beautiful place. The 100cameras project on WeDidIt is like a Kickstarter to do more...
by Kristen Chase | Best Apps
Now that I’ve discovered this amazing new journaling app, I know plenty of parents can make up for lost time without going out of their way. In fact, it might be the very best baby book app I’ve found. I pretty much ditched the baby book after my oldest...
by Eva Glettner | Best Apps
Ready for one crazy addictive app for you iPhoneographers and world travelers? Halftone lets you iOS users turn your pictures into pages straight out of a comic book. The colors are bright and vibrant, the fonts are straight out of an old Batman episode, and...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
My Facebook activity has dropped off lately because I realized how much time I was spending on it–but also in part because of the confusing Facebook privacy changes that they seem to be making continually, sometimes unbeknownst to their users. With today’s...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
Now that I’ve started posting photos of my family on the Internet, I’ve been thinking much more about how to watermark my photos. Thankfully, it’s not nearly as complicated as I thought, especially with the help of my go-to photo editing site,...
by Jeana | Babies, Best Apps
The other day I was cleaning out my daughter’s closet and I came across her baby book. About the first six months of her life were complete, but after that, it was pretty spotty. I will say that looking at digital baby book options available now, I bet I...