by Cool Mom Team | Babies, Gear + Hardware, Link Roundups
We can’t help it, we’re obsessed with Pinterest! Come join us, and check out these five pins that you won’t want to miss. 1. No pockets, no problem, with this cool accessory! 2. What’s red, plays music, and looks like you grabbed it...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
Obsessed with Pinterest like we are? Follow us, then check out our favorite techie pins from this week that you won’t want to miss. 1. The prettiest iPhone 5 cases we’ve seen so far. 2. An amazing fitness gadget that pops in your pocket and...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to hear that Shutterfly has bought Kodak Gallery, especially since I’m an avid user of both. But on July 2, Kodak Gallery will close completely, so before then, you’re going to want to take some action...
by Cool Mom Team | Photography
I’m a little obsessed with the Instagram app, which means I have lots of cool photos and not much to do with them. At least until I discovered this new gift from Keepsy, that will be making many of my family members very happy this holiday season. I was thrilled...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Every parent with an iPad (and that’s a lot of us) has at some point asked the same question–something along the lines of man, why can’t they make one that’s just for kids that doesn’t cost a fortune and isn’t destined to be broken...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
For busy parents, our smartphones have become our lifelines, whether it’s the calendar that helps keep families on track to the emails, social media, and various apps that keep us connected personally and professionally. That’s why it’s so important...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
We’ve hit that point in the summer, where, we might be getting a little more lax about keeping kids off screens. (It can be exhausting, I get it.) The last thing parents want our kids to do the rest of the summer is to spend all day watching YouTube videos or...
by Cool Mom Team | Fitness + Health, Games + Gaming, Gear + Hardware, Holiday Tech Gifts, Tech Toys
While CyberMonday deals kind of started a week ago, making this entire week CyberWeek, it’s not to say that you can’t get some fantastic deals on tech products today — some of which have been on for a few days, some of which are brand new for today....