3 cool, free calendar apps for Android users

3 cool, free calendar apps for Android users

If you’re on the hunt for a cool calendar app for your Android smart phone, it can be tough to figure out what’s best in a sea of options. So, I tried a whole lot (see what I do for you?) and narrowed them down to these three options–all of which...
Dude, Where’s My Holiday?

Dude, Where’s My Holiday?

Presents are wrapped, eggs are nogged, kids are on Christmas break, and two of this year’s biggest game stars have come together in one app filled with underground sewers and transportation tubes. How merry! Especially considering it’s free. The resulting...
What to expect from the new Instagram update

What to expect from the new Instagram update

I admit that I am really bummed about not being able to post Instagram photos on Twitter anymore. But now that Twitter redeemed itself with adding photo filters, it looks like Instagram might be moving back into favor with me as well thanks to their new big...
Rhapsody SongMatch gives Shazam a run for its money

Rhapsody SongMatch gives Shazam a run for its money

Has this ever happened to you? You’re in a mall or restaurant and suddenly you hear a song that’s so catchy that you immediately want to know what it is, who sings it, how you can get it. (By the way, this experience never happens in an elevator). Of...