by Caroline Siegrist | Fitness + Health, Babies
As a mom who’s recently breastfed a child, I was pumped (heh) to hear about some new innovations arriving in the form of the Elvie breast pump. It comes from the makers of the revolutionary Elvie Kegel trainer (from all of us who’ve had babies, thank you...
by Caroline Siegrist | Best Apps
Just because breastfeeding is a natural process, it isn’t necessarily all blissed out bonding time. But luckily, we live in a time where there are tons of tech to help nursing moms, like these 3 new breastfeeding apps that caught our attention. Related: Doctor...
by Molly | Babies, Best Apps
If you’ve ever tried to hold a baby on your lap and change their diaper or breastfeed all from the oh-so inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unsanitary stall of a public bathroom, then this app is for you. Traveling with babies–or doing holiday shopping with...