by Kate Etue | Causes and Giving Back
My family has been looking for some ways to fill these long summer days by giving back to our community. We were shocked to find out that more than 20% of families are food insecure in the USA, which means you very likely know someone personally who’s struggling...
by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
Whatever the case may be, whether it’s sick kids or new neighbors, giving meals goes a really long way. And, of course, tech helps. Seriously, how did our parents survive without it? Here, I’m sharing my 3 favorite go-to sites for coordinating meals for...
by Kate Etue | Social Media
There’s a new option in the online fundraising world that’s going to make giving so convenient because it’s right in your Facebook feed. Yes, it’s true! Facebook has added the capability for any user to start a personal fundraiser on Facebook...
by Liz Gumbinner | Causes and Giving Back
We all know that access to expansive STEM education is essential for kids growing up today. It not only introduces what are now the basic skills needed to thrive in a high-tech world, but it has the potential to open up unlimited career opportunities to those kids who...
by Kate Etue | Causes and Giving Back
As my family is circulating our menu plans and meal prep responsibilities, I can’t help but think about families who are going without over the holidays. When I discovered the Share the Meal app (iOS and Android), I knew that this would be an easy and meaningful...